But what happens when the legal system is set up to dismiss such cases with bullshit like standing?

Also, the prosecutors offices of many areas won't even bring up this as a possibility.

The logic is sound, but the implementation of the legal system is broken.

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Lawlessness prevailing. Officials endlessly ignoring.

Most of public barely getting by, seemingly incapable or unwilling to do a thing about it.

We brought evidence to VA lawmakers, VDH more than once, school boards, city councils- all ignored. All guilty. VDH told us over and over- we follow CDC. No brains or heart of their own. No critical thinking or practical use of their education. Shameful. Sickening. Too many conformed and shut up. Too many controlled by their paycheck to stay in line and just hope it goes quietly. No gathering of big numbers in one accord to demand correction or prosecute. Even Rebeccas mom cannot find a lawyer! Where are any good lawyers? Even if good lawyers, would all be ignored because this was not EUA, this was DOD op— so all usual law entirely overruled. Democide. May the Lord provide mercy. May the nations repent. Revelation 18:23.

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When these bad actors wrap their head around the truth that they too will be denied these freedoms or justices and that includes their families, then they'll get it.

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Thank you for this clear explanation and example of legal responsibility.

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4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

May I suggest the senior executives and boards of trustees at all the hospitals that followed the murderous protocols of isolation, use of vents, and remdesivir at the same time restricting Ivermectin and other life-saving medications from use are just as guilty?

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Big cash helped

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. . . at the expense of hundreds of thousands of lives. Their behavior was pure evil.

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I wonder if Bea murdered her dog? It's almost as if the public does murder it's a crime. When government does murder it's for our own protection even if it us they are murdering.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

I don’t think many millions would agree that the CIA murder of JFK was protecting us. They were protecting their administrative military industrial complex interests.

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Lawlessness prevailing. Officials endlessly ignoring.

Most of public barely getting by, seemingly incapable or unwilling to do a thing about it.

We brought evidence to VA lawmakers, VDH more than once, school boards, city councils- all ignored. All guilty. VDH told us over and over- we follow CDC. No brains or heart of their own. No critical thinking or practical use of their education. Shameful. Sickening. Too many conformed and shut up. Too many controlled by their paycheck to stay in line and just hope it goes quietly. No gathering of big numbers in one accord to demand correction or prosecute. Even Rebeccas mom cannot find a lawyer! Where are any good lawyers? Even if good lawyers, would all be ignored because this was not EUA, this was DOD op— so all usual law entirely overruled. Democide. May the Lord provide mercy. May the nations repent. Revelation 18:23.

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What a great story. Thanks for sharing this.

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There is a way of wording just this to your local councils and authorities. A reminder that they have been given information they can't ignore so they are put on notice unofficially but officially.

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thank you

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These monsters or useful idiots deserve the death penalty for what they have done. Maybe then, useful idiot types would think long and hard before committing to a foolish and potentially lethal activity!? One wonders.

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