Will be the best money ive ever spent. Im in awe of your tenacity John. God bless.

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Jul 9Edited

Count me in once the paid subscriptions are turned on.

I just tried to change my free subscription to a paid one, but can't find the place to do that, so am guessing it's not available yet.

Please consider keeping all content available to everyone (not behind paywall). The best substacks, in my opinion, are open to all and inspire people to contribute by the work done.

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We’re behind you and your work. The fourth branch of government - the administrative (unelected and unaccountable) state - are the most adversely affected thanks to your work.

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Thank you, John, a million times thanks.

~ From Ipswich, MA

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Excellent... I am happy to support your work. I offered you dinner. This is even better!

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Thank you for your work!

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Thank you John for ALL your hard work.

Much appreciated!!!!

from Manchester-by-the-Sea, a communist area.

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With your help, everyone will know ... TheyLied.ca


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Sorry, I won't be donating. After ordering the book more than 9 months ago, it was finally shipped, weeks after we moved into a new house. What kind of publishing arrangement offers books for sale that don't become available until almost a year later? As an addendum: we never received the book.

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Sorry that happened to you. Are you sure you're talking about the right book? When the former publisher talked me into pre-order, I did not know that people were billed at the time of order. This is different from every other business I've been involved in. I will not do pre-order again. The reason I ask if you have the right book is because the first order for my book was placed on December 7, barely 7 months ago and you stated you ordered my book more than 9 months ago, which is impossible. There were a few people, maybe 4 at most, who did not receive the book after several weeks and it turns out that USPS says they delivered them. So someone either stole the package delivered to the addresses or USPS screwed up. Those people contacted me and I ate the cost and sent them new books. There is one from a few weeks ago and I'm waiting to hear back if her neighbor received it. Also, there are no orders in the system with a first name beginning with "Weih" or a last name "Xing" past or present. Are you sure you ordered my books? Perhaps another name? All orders are filled except those from the past day and the service that handles fulfillment will get those out today. You can always email sales@therealcdc.com, which is probably better than posting messages on substack where no one can help you.

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Did you pre-order the book before it was available to ship? John is answering the highest call and doing wonderful work. Please consider that the research, the testifying, trying to get the information out and all that in addition to figuring out how to publish is certainly a lot to take on. I hope you can reach out to the publisher and receive your book, but let’s be kind toward John and grateful for all he’s done. He could have walked away from the challenge to stand for humanity, like so many have. The fight is long and arduous. We need to give all our support to those in the fight and join them if we can.

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We ordered the book as soon as the pre-order was announced - big mistake! If we had known it would take more than 6 to 9 months to ship, we'd have waited, but like others, we were very eager to read it. The book shipped several months after we moved into our new house and the post office did not forward it to us. We were not blaming John, but rather the publisher.

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9 months is the same amount of time it takes for people to “pre-order” a baby. :)

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If be happy to give you my copy. I live in Central Mass. If you DM me with your contact info I'll drive where you are and give you both volumes.

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I received my book in a week!

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I received my book as well. Excellent work!

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