You have amazing courage and impossible tenacity. You have many, many fans who send you our support. Hope that you can feel some of that across the miles.

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Well done!

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Attack attack attack,

THANK YOU and may God continue to bless your courage and hard work!

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Every evil skill at controlling studies, controlling the peer review process, marginalizing qualified skeptics, ignoring good skeptical peer review, passing laws that the favored industry makes billions from, controlling the media, etc... was finely honed in the Global Warming field. This article has successfully red pilled many sincere academics that before reading this, only got legacy news, and NPR as their source of information. They expressed shock that dozens of presented facts, had never been talked about by their formerly trusted sources. If you know of a friend or colleague that is sincere, this article may wake them up to not only the contrived fallacy of Climate Change, but to a host of other issues as well. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thanks, I'll look at the link!

3 Biggest Big Lies of our time:

1. Man Made Catastrophic Global Warming (100% BS)

2. 2020 Election Theft (100% stolen in a few precincts in the swing states)

3. CDC/FDA/NIH Covid Response (100% Murderously Wrong in Every Single "Safe and Effective" Statement and Response)

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It has been a shock to witness the last decade plus, and with COVID the downhill towards the cliff is ever steeper.

You may want to check out the "Does Power Corrupt" link as well.

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Would the COVID response have been such effective propaganda if we hadn't already consumed 40 years of HIV-AIDS falsehoods?

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And would it have been such effective propaganda if we hadn't been bamboozled by the mainstream media's "nothing to see here" handling of the Moshe Bar-Joseph episode in 2009 regarding the H1N1 "swine flu vaccine"? Note that Ukraine was the location of the bioweapon facility --https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_influenza35.htm

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Excellent. I hope you prevail John. My brother in Massachusetts continues to get "boosted"; I hope and pray he does not end up as a statistic. Thanks for all the great posts.

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You have built a following seeking truth by presenting truth in an organized manner backed by research.

Your success in this endeavor is sorely needed and has the potential to bring facts to light not only in MA but throughout the country.

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

God is on our side. Light always penetrates darkness. Again I will keep saying, thank you. I live in the tyranny state of MA!

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The people must wake up and educate themselves on this issue. These shots are not good for you period. They are solely meant to do harm. It's up to you to refuse this poison. And whatever you do keep it away from your children. All one needs to do is open your eyes and use common sense and think about the data put out there. This article as well as many others of his has brought this atrocity out into the light. Stop turning your head and pay attention and look at it and listen. The life and health of you and your family depend on this. Choose wisely....

Lou Bozada

Our Lives & Politics (Podcast)


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Very well said. I try to imagine what is in the heart of a man who pens "no good cause" to get on with this case after reading the details of it. I fear for their souls.

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Hi. Your work is awesome. I would like to contribute to your work financially. Your pledge for the future request is confusing because it asks for a credit card and am amount and looks like a payment. If I submit that will you get money now? If not how can I help you right now?

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Me too... following

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You don't happen to have any of them "Georgia" statistics do you? :)


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It certainly feels Cr

Well done! Bless you 🙏

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Have you filed a law suit against the state of MA? If so what is the best portal to donate to your cause?

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A Letter to a Generation -- REMEMBER MARIO SAVIO?

The current horrors, https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/how-the-us-govt-built-a-shadow-structure-that-enabled-covid-vax-bioterrorism/, will not be stopped by politicians and/or lawyers. Those efforts were tried unsuccessfully during the Vietnam era, which you may be too young to remember. They will never work today despite thoughtful analytical essays, websites, petitions, conferences, etc.

Here is a little history from a guy turning 90 this year. There was a "dress rehersal" for Vietnam around 20 years earlier in Korea that somewhat affected my own life. All "civilized" efforts and actions to stop the massive bloodshed in Vietnam failed utterly. Jim Rhodes, Ohio's State Auditor, for whom I saved a Sunday NY Times (where I worked on weekends at Cole's Pharmacy in north Columbus, Ohio) after moving up from Auditor to becoming Ohio's governor, called out the Ohio National Guard that shot and killed 4 students, wounding eight or nine others, at Kent State University where there was a small anti-war demonstration.

Believe it or not, the public was overwhelmingly against the students, not the Guard. The war went on. The famous Peace Symbol was viewed as despicable. Given that atmosphere, how in heck could that war be brought to an end? But it was.

College students held military draft cards. When any war protest arose they were happy to support it. Many fled to Canada to avoid being drafted and sent to the jungles of Vietnam. The antiwar protest was a campus centered thing. Starting at the Univ. of Wisconsin, it spread to the large state colleges, and then to Berkeley in CA, Columbia in NYC, and elsewhere. Christian clerics became outspoken protesters, throwing animal blood around a draft board office. People chained themselves to columns of government bldgs in DC, riots erupted and violence (against property, not humans) erupted throughout the country.

That is what was required to finally stop the war. VIOLENCE AND LOTS OF IT. I left my job, taking earned vacation time in NYC to return to my college (Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio), growing a ponytail, and joined the kids. There used to be a photo of me online with a burning police car in the background (maybe it is still there, I might search for it). Of course, nice conservative Americans were horrified and unsupportive. BUT IT STOPPED THE WAR. Here is how:

Every year a bill came up in Congress to fund the war. It was euphemistically titled something like "funding for aid to South Vietnam". Guess what! When then President Ford sent it back for signing, he was shocked and amazed that the politicians (although compromized as ever) declined to sign it and there was no more money to continue the war. Simple as that.

You might wonder, why did the guys in Congress not sign the bill, as usual? Here is the simple reason: THEY WERE TERRIFIED TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES IF THEY SIGNED IT. Their hometowns were partially ablaze. We did that. VIOLENCE STOPPED THE BLOODSHED, not philosophy, peace marches, essays (The NY Review of Books had great anti-war articles by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, and others), not car signs, T-shirts, etc. Without the VIOLENCE who knows how much further and longer the Pentagon's war chiefs, the CIA, and the U.S. Congress would have gone even after more than fifty thousand young men had been killed and tens of thousands more injured and crippled in other ways.

Ruling war-mongers and supporting corporations were getting richer. Since then it has been disclosed that U.S. corporations, supported by their bankers, made and financed equipment for the enemy that killed U.S. troops, just as they had done during WW2. (If you require confirmation, read the research of Antony Sutton (www.bigeye.org/antonysutton.htm), who was attacked by the IRS (which is in the picture today, as usual).

We don't need petitions, a vote, lawsuits, etc. More talk, in fact, just encourages the bastards, letting them know that all is well for them. We need to do the job through online recruitment and positive action regardless of what others think or say. There are enough persons using the internet today that when this program becomes unacceptable to the usual suspects we will have provided the seeds for massive organized resistance. Perhaps violence (against property only) will be unnecessary. However, remember the Vietnam era. Look up the speech by Mario Savio in California. It is applicable again today.

Young Americans came together, Whites, Blacks, Jews, Gentiles, Hispanics, Asians, etc. Those who valued laws, encoded in our U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights, confirmed the fundamental rights given to us, not from any government, but that come from God, "to institute new Government" when necessary by assembling in justifiable anger. The continuing civil-rights movement was supported by many Vietnam war protesters who learned to come together for the purpose of compelling persons in authority to take heed.

These are again "the times that try mens' souls". We MUST respond in numbers, defending ourselves when necessary, for our own lives as well as for the lives of our companions, our children, their children and for future generations, not only on this continent but throughout the world.

Note: Just so you don't have to look it up, here are Mario Savio's closing remarks:

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!

Are YOU going to help us? Study and broadcast these two sites:

newswatch.org and www.bigeye.org/internet.htm

Let the Internet Fix America!

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Would it help your cause if we called a particular official at their office? If so, who and what is their office phone #?

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Keep it local first. Call your state legislators. Send letters. Tell them about the dead kids in your state.

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Please connect on LinkIn- I secure guests for local and national podcasters on Brighteon & Sacha Stone. Your voice need to ring in USA & internationally. 🇺🇸🙏🏻⚔️ I heard you Monday on spaces. I am friends with Warner.

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