Jul 19Liked by Coquin de Chien

I have faith there will be a judgment. And you, unlike the others who propagated this crime, will be embraced for your good deeds.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

this is only tip of the iceberg. applies to all vaccines, not just the con shots.

virus are dead cell debris not contagious particles. www.VirusTruth.NET

autism, sids, chronic health issues, dementia cancer all illness caused by vaccines

all tests for covid invalid, everyone misdiagnosed by fraud test.

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Thanks for doing real statistics.

Common sense will prevail once it becomes common lol.

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Oh no. You used that word. LOL.

I don't really do stats. I believe inferential statistical methods are ludicrous. Probability distribution functions are just models and rarely represent real world scenarios.

Life is not a bell curve.

I just show visualizations of data so regular people can understand them, especially juries and judges.

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I guess we need a new definition of common sense statistics...

I'm reminded of how statistics class befuddled me because like you stated, the formulas themselves obfuscated things at times. My teacher asked me what major I was going into and I said engineering. He said why not philosophy?

I said because I also think that goes in circles.

A new world awaits of looking at things like data and systems and seeing it for what it is, not what formulas and interpretations shape it into!

Make realism become cool again.

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Look up "descriptive statistics" versus "inferential statistics."

I avoid inferential stats. That's all they use in the research papers. I have my reasons, one being that I cannot remember most of it even though I took the class at 52yo only 8 years ago and got a 98% on the final. I remember that I did well and understood it, but I thought it was garbage when used in uncontrolled environments. In semiconductor manufacturing it is very useful because you control all the physics of the manufacturing process. In epidemiology, they have control over very little and many variables will change the probability distribution function. But they'll still use the prior data to create the model, ignore the newly changed variables, and then claim 95% confidence interval. It's all crazy and they all do it.

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Jul 19Liked by Coquin de Chien


I recently bought your two books.

Very interesting and very tragic!

I also passed your name to someone here in Maine today - she is involved with the www.healthchoicemaine.org. Her name is Tiffany.

We need someone here in Maine with your expertise to expose the lies.

Husband was kidnapped from a local hospital's ER (Maine) in May 2021 using the fake PCR test and declared to have covid and "locked up" for 9 days with NO visitors allowed. He was administered to a newly created covid unit.

Hospital staff had full control of the situation.

I had to figure out how to advocate for him, and I finally succeeded but it took 9 days to do so.

I was surrounded by a security guard and a very tall man (done on purpose), whose tag said he was a physical therapist, approached me and asked me what I wanted.

I had to be careful of my approach as there was a very high risk, since I was in their "terrain," of a potential accusation of being a domestic terrorist, harassment, threatening and so forth, and off to jail I would have gone.

Why he came out alive is unknown to us with all the financial incentives regarding hospital protocols via the Cares Act.

The hospital gained at our expense.

I wrote a 15 page document citing all the violations that occurred, and accused the hospital of human trafficking, body snatching, and kidnapping, and sent it to the Maine AG, the local, county sheriff, and our representative all to NO avail.

NO one cared.

I had two attorneys look over the case but they would NOT take it.

Need to find an attorney but difficult to find.

Since I am already an author of two books, I may resort to writing a book about this experience and expose the hospital staff and their criminal behaviors.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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I have 3 New England states' data. I'd be happy to try to get Maine's, but I doubt they'd cough it up.

Have you tried Dr Meryl Nass?

I doubt I can get to your story for at least 6 months, but maybe it can be a few chapters in a book someday. I have two books I'm working on in parallel right now.

Feel free to email me at johnbeaudoinsr@gmail.com to continue this conversation. I'm only a couple hours drive from Maine.

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It's worth a shot to attempt to obtain some Maine data regarding the fake covid.

I receive Dr. Nass' newsletter.

She will be involved in a seminar this weekend in Ellsworth, Maine.

Scott Schara is one of the guest speakers, and he has a lawsuit pending in Wisconsin regarding the death of his daughter, Grace, pertaining to hospital protocols.

Ellsworth, Maine is about 3 hours or so from my location so I won't be attending; I live in Oxford County not far from the Maine and New Hampshire state line.

What is interesting is I knew from the beginning that something was not quite right when covid was finally announced.

Here's why.

When my mother was 5 years old, she developed polio.

Prime Minister Bennett of Canada quarantined (medical term - lock down is a military or prison term) my maternal grandparents' home.

Quarantine is utilized regarding sick people/families not the entire world.

Without going into details, my maternal grandmother had connections and informed some doctors that she worked with of her daughter's condition.

They, in turn, had connections and arranged for my mother to go live with a lab doctor and his wife whereby his laboratory was financed by the Canadian government.

This was accomplished with parental consent.

Once she was removed from the home, the quarantine was lifted.

She eventually over time was able to walk once again.

Now fast forward, her older brother, Raymond Dion, became a member of the Canadian military. He was chosen to drive the limo that President Franklin Roosevelt would be a passenger in so he could attend a conference at the chateau in Quebec City in 1944.

Raymond was chosen for 3 reasons:

1. He had good standing in the military.

2. He could speak both French and English.

3. He understood polio as he himself was quarantined.

Roosevelt would need to be touched relating to assistance because he had polio so both countries had to agree to this arrangement.

He later received a plaque for his service.

By the way, we are "legal" immigrants from the French side of Canada.

Covid was used to lock down the world, among many things, and this was crazy.

It made no sense to me knowing about my mother's polio story.

I have copies of some 1840s laws of Maine; everything was done locally by the Selectmen regarding sick people ONLY and NOT the healthy ones.

As far as writing a book pertaining to husband's kidnapping, I will wait until the fall to begin the process since I have too many things to accomplish during the short summer months in Maine.

I am still looking for a lawyer to take this case. What the hospital staff did was criminal.

Thanks for the email, and mine is bradmarina@aol.com

We can continue this conversation.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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It’s maddening, but no one cares or will do anything because the whole Covid insanity is too incredible and reeks of over the top conspiracy theories. The forces of darkness went all out and it’s too much for anyone to really believe that an evil cabal has pulled the trigger on a slow moving mass murder. God help us all! 🙏🏻 Thank you for putting your actions into words and trying to do ‘something’, - anything. May the Lord above bless your efforts to Heaven & back! ❤️🙏🏻

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Thank you for your understanding.

I receive very little of that these days.

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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its a million times worse than this. we need to help stop all shots bec all harming.

virus are not contagious particles. also read and share free pdf book The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan md, here www.VirusTruth.NET many free books real reason all shots must stop, fear of fake viruses keep shots going.

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If you haven't, you should contact this guy. He can find out if these are the same people in VAERS that you speak of. He is all over VAERS and what they are doing.


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Albert and I are friends. He knows to call me for any new MA MN CT VT deaths.

He sent me the 12yo girl's record when it came out. We are in a group together also.

You'd be surprised how many of us communicate behind the scenes.

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I am glad to hear that. I always hope that those of you who are doing really good work are communicating.

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Godspeed. xo xo

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Thank you for your work!

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Thank you for doing this.

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With you Brother.

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Great work, as usual, thank you. I can't see Figure 3, seems like it failed to show.

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Thank you for putting in the time and effort to create this great letter. It is obvious at this point to anyone paying attention that our government is waging some kind of war against us. I am getting the impression now that we have lived on a giant tax farm our whole lives and it is culling time.

Here is some information you might find helpful:

COVID Videos


VAERS mortality reports


39+ COVID-19 "Pandemic" Questions


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