Phenomenal. All my best wishes.

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This is gonna be good!!

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Pcr test (says in the instructions) is not for clinical purposes (not for detecting infection). It was used to collect covid infection data against the manufacturers (and inventors) instructions. And was used not only to falsely determine infection in a time of fear and crisis, but also used to collect false data used in the approval of the emergency measures act.

Emergency measures act approval for experimenting on humans is only legally possible if there is no known medicine or way to kill the covid virus.

So…. There is a US government owned patent for killing all viruses known to man except Ebola. It’s zinc but with something that opens the cells to allow the zinc to kill viruses. Ivermectin hydroxychoriquin and quercetin are three with great safety histories. Hydroxychoriquin is safer than aspirin. Ivermectin also kills cancer cells and binds to the spike proteins in vaccinated people.

And since we know the spike proteins shed, can potentially be used to mitigate the harm from being in proximity to a vaccinated person.

Ivermectin personally destroyed my previously very active and virulent herpes simplex virus. That’s determined not by clinical means just by me using it for covid prevention and upping the dose when my herpes simplex got stired up. Now I haven’t had another outbreak (when I used to get them every week to two weeks). And I haven’t had a cold or the flu either. And don’t expect to.

So in order to get the EMA approval the government had to ignore their own patent. The late Dr. Zelenco is the discriminator of this information. He did the research into the patents the architects of the pandemic have (as a research hobby he said). And concluded the unthinkable that they are purposefully trying to kill people.

And please don’t try to figure out why. The answer is they are broken. So care about good people don’t break your brain trying to understand the un understandable.

So conclude that you are safe from viruses and your family and loved ones are safe as well. And that it is of vital importance to fight in the courts with every resource and strategy possible to save lives and stop the criminal insanity. God bless your soul.

Leonard Moloney

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Yes, good advice -- Do not try to understand the "broken" (You're kind...) and neither try to educate the unteachable...

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Well done. Mumental effort on you part. Many thanks.

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Best of luck.

I wonder if a RICO case would have any chance of succeeding against these criminals.

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While I applaud and support CdC's persistence, I caution and remind that the announcement by the White House on March 11, 2020 supersedes ANY and all rules or laws. Even the Courts are hobbled. When a National Emergency is declared, the civilian government becomes impotent.

Read William Cooper's 'Behold A Pale Horse'.

At this point, the only step that has not been taken is the suspension of the Constitution.

But it's very close.

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Thank you for standing up to Goliath!

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Also, a weird fact is that contrary to normal procedures (euthanasia is normal), in one covid study after it was concluded, the animals all died. FROM COVID..

So after the fractional variants happened, the animals were exposed to a whole non fractional covid virus and they died.

So since people own covid viruses and since they (highly probably falsely) claimed this was an accidental exposure to a wild strain (in their biolab! Close to impossible) there is a chance this is a pre-setup for people being exposed to a new whole strain of covid they release to kill vaccinated people.

Repulsive to think about but there is a way to be safe if that’s going to happen or not.

Dr. Zelenco’s protocol was designed with this and normal virus activity in mind. And based in part as well on another thing he pointed out, that the same people who developed and brought us the virus also own a patent for killing all viruses known to man except Ebola.

It’s simple and eloquent. Zinc. But with something that opens the cells to allow the zinc to kill viruses.

Ivermectin hydroxychoriquin and quercetin are three with great safety histories. In fact hydroxychoriquin is safer than aspirin. And ivermectin destroyed my herpes simplex virus and I haven’t had a cold or the flu since.

And I’m not afraid of covid (even though I should be to some degree as the vaccinated are causing a previously not possible effect of giving a virus the highest and best possibility to transform itself to a point where it can kill us). (But I have a plan for that if necessary). Btw I’m no doctor. Just a guy.

Ivermectin also kills cancer cells and is a Nobel prize winning anti parasitic. So there’s that. And the doctors at flccc.net say it binds to spike proteins. So that potentially helps the vaccinated with their number one complaint of a lack of energy. And the recipients of their shedding as well could possibly benefit by taking it. There’s that too.

Did you ever think growing up that you would read such a pile of collected true garbage as this and be actually considering taking it in?

This literally was impossible in years gone by. But the people who brought us this claim as well that they proved God is a myth. And that they proved this on their computers (please note that they never shared their science on how you prove or disprove God with a computer).

And as well that you can just cut and paste sequences in your dna and choose your evolutionary development. As though you are not influenced by anything except your decision. And that you don’t influence anything else. Even though that’s impossible. (Spike proteins are concentrated in zebra fish).

The vaccines are effecting all of nature and have the potential to destroy all of nature as well. They didn’t even look if I’m not too mistaken.

They are so dumb and truly believe they are the most smart and fortunate people in history. Btw Adolf thought the same. He was making the world perfect again too. And look how that turned out.. Right?

Btw. The best leader in history is Jesus (immortal so is is correct). He put himself below us as a servant of God and us, opposite of this crew who see themselves as making a name for themselves in history and being the nerd world order rulers i(n different ways). But have completely gone around normal safeguards. So immeasurably sad.

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Bravo. I love your comment.

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I admired you already for your posts . And now even more. Hope you prevail.

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I really want to support Beaudoin. I'm so grateful

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Go get em’

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the old saying goes: the lawyer who represents himself in court has a fool for a client....

and you sir, have a fool extraordinaire for a client.

but then again, you not really are a lawyer.

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aha. I see what you did there :)

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