I'm really sorry about what happened to you. It is reprehensible. But I am glad you are fighting back and I hope you trounce them.

Btw, I listened to a podcast a while back with a woman that previously processed death certificates in LA County. She said that before the pandemic, infectious diseases were typically not listed as the cause of death, unless the only cause of death. For example, for someone that had cancer and got the flu, their cause of death would be listed as cancer not the flu. The reason being that if not for the cancer, they likely would have survived the flu. Only someone that died of the flu without any underlying comorbidities would be listed as a flu death. She said once she understood that Covid-19 would be listed first on death certificates, she knew that Covid-19 deaths would be overcounted by 90%. Also, Covid-19 is the only infectious disease reported in this manner. If you have cancer and the flu, cancer is still reported as your cause of death. Lots of data manipulation going on. Makes one wonder what has been going on in years past.

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Primary document research is so hard, in this setting, and exactly what you're doing. Great work! This is the level of investigation needed to show they corrupted the data and misled us...and killed us.

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Keep up this Most Excellent Reporting you are doing, as long as you are able!!! The world needs you, and others like you, to keep Truth alive.

This is the most egregious assault on Humanity the Earth has ever seen.

Thank you for your courage and your integrity! xo xo xo

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You have my deep respect and gratitude. Just wow.

A question: how widely do you wish this case to be publicized, and would it be ok to pass along a link or two to some site(s) that might be able to drum up some $upport? I have one or two particularly in mind.

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Seems like you are giving yourself a strong legal education!

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And medical, too!

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