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Thanks. I missed that one. I looked at FSMB and the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation (not ABIM per se). It's another commie front and mixes books with ABIM, the annuity cash flow business that funds them.

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My brain is melting trying to figure out what you are hoping to achieve, as this is a military project, to have the ability to develop and deliver shots in 100 days. This concept appeared to start after sars-cov1, then mers, then H1N1 swine flu, then zika, then ebola. All man-made, altered. The story goes that the military grabbed a failed technology that Dr Robt. Malone walked away from in the 1990s, due to serious safety concerns; resurrected it with a few changes starting in 2008-or thereabouts. So you have involvement from investment arms of DARPA, the CIA (USAID) and several more military agencies. You can find references to project funding in Wuhan in 2017 and 2018...Nov 2019 has govt appropriations project funding for covid-19 development intended for Ukraine labs, prior to any announcement to American people. Soon after the shots rolled out, the CDC had over 800 lawsuits land on their doorstep, most tossed out by Federal Judges beholden to the DOJ. By fall of 2021, the White House and HHS attracted suits due to mandating an experimental gene therapy (that never passed any animal trials), as did the US military from service members. Even after you get with Sasha Latypova (see her substack) to find most US govt military project funding (much has been identified), cannot see what you are planning to achieve. My take: Difficult to see all this effort go to retracing a lot of steps already taken.

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Never mind. Not posting it here.

Glad I won't just give up on The People and acquiesce to globalist takeover.

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No, never give up! many before you have seen their cases dismissed, frustrated by an errant legal system - no longer acting as an independent balance against the executive branch. Others have been heartbroken realizing DC is now a corporate takeover (corporate capture) of all our regulatory agencies. Much is political theater with inversion of truth, ethics, and zero accountability. On the other side, advances have occurred in a few individual battles. These may blaze a path for others to follow. "Attorney Accuses the CIA and DoD of Being Deeply Involved With COVID-19" - -https://vigilantnews.com/post/attorney-accuses-the-cia-and-dod-of-being-deeply-involved-with-covid-19

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Then there's this recent overview from Dr Peter McCullough: "Dr. McCullough Names the Culprits in the Greatest Crime Against Humanity" - https://rumble.com/v3wchr4-dr.-mccullough-names-the-culprits-in-the-greatest-crime-against-humanity.html

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