John- great job, thanks for all you do. I’ll be buying your book. You might be interested in a book my son just published - “The Sleeper Agent- The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare.” by Adam Finnegan. Brings a greater understanding of what could be happening with the vax’s. On Amazon.
John- great job, thanks for all you do. I’ll be buying your book. You might be interested in a book my son just published - “The Sleeper Agent- The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare.” by Adam Finnegan. Brings a greater understanding of what could be happening with the vax’s. On Amazon.
Sounds very interesting. I've heard that Lyme might have been an old escaped bio-weapon from way back. Another person told me ticks were not indigenous to North America. They were brought here. I don't know.
Randy Bock has a good book on Zika. That's another good story.
I'm of the opinion that many things are blown up by media to create hysteria. I watched The Rifleman, Bonanza, The Texan, and another old western series recently. ALL of them had multiple episodes on "epidemics." There were townspeople who wanted to kill or drive away neighbors or someone who came to town who was sick. Some had to kill herds of cattle. I watched with a whole new view from when I was young and watched them. I believe that most diseases are just not as bad as the media shows and that no disease can be BOTH virulent AND transmissive like the government lied to us about covid. Just can't happen like they said covid was.
I totally agree that the media loves to create hysteria. All planned as far as I’m concerned. I think if the world governments would have let nature take its course and listened to the Frontline doctors who were having success in treating it, we would have been a whole lot better off. But then they wouldn’t have been able to introduce the vax and there was too much money at stake. And what a great way for the powers that be see how people would react, because I firmly believe there are those that want a one world government.
Both of you may want to consider Ending Plague - A Scholars Obligation in an Age of Corruption by Ruschetti et al. via CHD. It explains much of the ME/CFS and connected cover up just as Heckenlively tells of the cover and whistleblower in Inoculated- How Science Lost its Soul in Autism. Or, my book outing jab injuries early after as recorded ‘21-‘22. Now sold in 15 nations and counting. Not bad for an old blond first time author:
John- great job, thanks for all you do. I’ll be buying your book. You might be interested in a book my son just published - “The Sleeper Agent- The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare.” by Adam Finnegan. Brings a greater understanding of what could be happening with the vax’s. On Amazon.
Sounds very interesting. I've heard that Lyme might have been an old escaped bio-weapon from way back. Another person told me ticks were not indigenous to North America. They were brought here. I don't know.
Randy Bock has a good book on Zika. That's another good story.
I'm of the opinion that many things are blown up by media to create hysteria. I watched The Rifleman, Bonanza, The Texan, and another old western series recently. ALL of them had multiple episodes on "epidemics." There were townspeople who wanted to kill or drive away neighbors or someone who came to town who was sick. Some had to kill herds of cattle. I watched with a whole new view from when I was young and watched them. I believe that most diseases are just not as bad as the media shows and that no disease can be BOTH virulent AND transmissive like the government lied to us about covid. Just can't happen like they said covid was.
Here is a link to his website for more information -
WHY do Americans persist in using Amazon?
I totally agree that the media loves to create hysteria. All planned as far as I’m concerned. I think if the world governments would have let nature take its course and listened to the Frontline doctors who were having success in treating it, we would have been a whole lot better off. But then they wouldn’t have been able to introduce the vax and there was too much money at stake. And what a great way for the powers that be see how people would react, because I firmly believe there are those that want a one world government.
cant heart this, but true, true Sue
Both of you may want to consider Ending Plague - A Scholars Obligation in an Age of Corruption by Ruschetti et al. via CHD. It explains much of the ME/CFS and connected cover up just as Heckenlively tells of the cover and whistleblower in Inoculated- How Science Lost its Soul in Autism. Or, my book outing jab injuries early after as recorded ‘21-‘22. Now sold in 15 nations and counting. Not bad for an old blond first time author: