The problem is separating out Covid, Remdesivir And Vaccine. There looked to be a signal before Remdesivir, which then got amplified by Remdesivir, which was then amplified more with the Vaccine

With only 1 kidney at 50% function I ain’t taking none of that

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Actually, the timing shows that acute vs chronic vs acute on chronic renal failure shows different timing at different ages, but most lines up with the statement that there was no correlation between ARF and covid until mid-November 2020 upon which there was perfect correlation between covid and ARF. That means that something associated with covid caused ARF deaths. And the cms.gov payment for incentivizing remdesivir and baricitinib was Nov 2, 2020. Shortly after that inducement, people went to hospital for covid and died from ARF. The connection is pretty solid on a large scale. But ... was it remdesivir or baricitinib or vancomycin or a combination of them?

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Just eyeballing AKI and ARF it looks like there was an uptick before November, although not so for AKF.

Remdesivir actually started being used in May, when it became clear it probably was not doing much good and might even be doing harm they probably decided to incentivize it so the administrators would push the Docs.

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could it be the spike protein in the 'vaxx' is doing exactly the same thing as Covid-19 itself, and the more you take, the worse it gets?

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Yeah, i think the spike created by vax is doing pretty much the same as virus, except there is a hell of a lot more of it and it is more widely distributed and probably more persistent, plus you have people getting 3-5 injections on top of 2-3 infections, because they seem to get infected more often the more vax they take

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You guys and I agree. We don't know. I haven't read any study of statistics which go down to pathologists reports, only various random case studies. We don't have information on a population level of whether vax or covid is associated with which ARFs but we do know HOW both are associated through random case studies. It is probable that Remdesivir, Covid and Vax all cause ARF. But unless we have many more pathologist reports on individual cases we will never know what percentage are caused by which.

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Hey Bill Gates,

When, Anyone, In This Case You,

And A Cadre Of Morons

Attempts To Kill Off

Other Humans (In The Millions)

Rule # 1 Has To Be - And Is

You Have To Succeed On Your First Try.

I Just Can't Emphasize This Enough Young Fella.


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They are doing the best they can.

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"The pay plan defines the behavior" - that is very clear. Terrific post, thanks to you both. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the book - please include everything. It is just mystifying to me that good people people who believe themselves to be good can read this - or be told it by the likes of me - and not know that by doing what they are told they are actually doing bad. Perhaps getting mixed up in murder. How can they not see that? It seems, now, that many, perhaps 6 or 7 out of 10 ( my brother included) think that doing what you are told, keeping your mouth shut, trying hard not to think, and never ever going against the current conceit - however mad it may be - is the best plan for a successful life.

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Little do they know....

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Most well done, mighty naughty pup! You and the bad cat are some of the best at exposing the lies. The data never lie. They may be manipulated, but the data themselves never lie. Keep up the good work! Meanwhile, the rest of us MUST remain vigilant and steadfast: avoid the "official" narrative, whether it is about Covid, Ukraine, Trump, or Hunter.

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"The pay plan defines the behavior. The CARES Act and the EUA’s and payment schedules are themselves crimes. “Solicitation” is an inchoate crime."

I have had trouble labeling the insensitive for higher payments for using remdisiver on patients knowing that it could kill them instead of using repurposed drugs that could save lives. Solicitation or conspiracy to commit death should be what people use in lawsuits if they can find a court that will hear them. But either it is the PREP or the CARES where congress voted to keep the courts and congress itself from being allowed to investigate the damage that big pharma causes.

Also it was during the hearings for the 1986 act that gave big pharma immunity from lawsuits that big pharma admitted that no vaccines are safe nor could they make them safe and yet congress voted to give them immunity anyway. This is one of the biggest sellouts of the American people in history! Imagine hearing that and instead of shutting big pharma down that congress gave them permission to harm the nation’s children! And Reagan willingly signed off on it!

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Oops… 'insensitive' should be incentive. For some reason the edit option is gone.

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Our neighbor's sister (jabbed) was hospitalized with covid. She was in great physical shape and an avid runner. They gave her the remdesivir treatment, she lived. Now on dialysis for life and doesn't care if she lives or not. To this day, neither she nor her sister would believe that there is a problem with the jabs or "treatment" she received in the hospital. The government "agencies" and corporate medical complex have become criminalized.

"For we know him who said, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.” And again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Be in the Word.

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Amen!! Thank you for sharing this information!

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Thank you very much to both of you!

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December 2020, UK, vax started 8 December. 93 year old man, fit as a flea, never sick in his life. Persuaded against his better judgement to be stabbed. 4 days later dropped dead of, allegedly according to the stabbing medics, Acute Kidney Failure. Go figure. 🙏

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I had a flu shot in November of 2019 that made me very ill for years. Especially of note is that my kidneys were not working as they had always worked, and still not back to normal. I have wondered if that "flu" shot was not something else as I suffered, and still to some extent, serious long-covid debilitation since that shot. I refused the covid jabs bullied on me from doctors, but I wonder if I unsuspectedly got one anyway. As a healthy slim active person, I became someone else. I couldn't even remember the simplest words, and the migraines and fatigue, don't wish it on my worst enemy. So yes, kidney function was a specific target of the bioweapon delivered to us unsuspecting victims. Much research, vitamins, and stubbornness has helped me along the way.

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CDC, FDA and NIH legal duties? The only duty they recognize is being slaves to the dictates of big pharma, the HHS and DoD. The people be damned or dead, which ever comes first.

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Wow, geez. 😒

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I am unvaxxed. I got acute renal failure from a mild three day cold Wuhan variant, and months, maybe a year later was diagnosed. It got worse, then it got better. My kidney panels are now normal. However, I'm certain that kidney disease will also occur in other people who had mild Covid symptoms as well as damages from the vaccinal spikes. I don't know how they are going to tease out which was the cause without specific biopsies and PCRs etc. to differentiate the spikes if there are any present in the tissue. This is one of those effects which will be blamed on the disease in all cases, like they are doing with myocarditis. They still say that Covid causes more myocarditis based on the Wuhan to Delta variants, they never do studies of what harms Omicron causes. They all seem to collect their data just short of Omicron arrival. Omicron infection vs vaccinal harms is a study I'd like to see in regards to kidney damage. But again, that train left the station. Almost ALL people have been exposed to Covid by now, and if they have kidney damage, how do we know which vax or variant caused it? Like I said, my kidney failure was diagnosed MONTHS LATER. I'm certain many people will also have myocarditis going undiagnosed, sometimes until they drop or die. We can only say a person was vaxxed or unvaxxed if we can find that information, but we can't say if it was the vax or the infection that caused the damage unless we look into each death under a microscope with all kinds of whizzy forensics.

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Jesus is coming


He's pissed

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