And YASHUA said, " WATCH OUT That you are not misled; For many will come in MY NAME, saying,' I AM',and,' The Time is at hand'. Do not follow them. ( Luke 21:8)

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You have a what I would hope is the best damn lawyers brain. This is so well laid out.

Even I can follow it. I do wish I could be on the jury.

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Exactly. This is the kind of trial I wanted to be on when I playfully wondered what it would be like to be on jury duty... That was prior to having to serve on the jury of a murder trial in the Fall of 2019. It was awful. Never again. Wouldn't wish that kind of jury duty on my worst enemies.

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Thank you for keeping us informed CdC! It’s so clear to me that laws have been violated and I’m hopeful the court will be blessed with clarity.

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Bien hecho amigo. Estoy completamente de acuerdo!

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Yo tambien.

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I am so thankful to be able to see your posts and know that you are there, working for The People of Earth. You are a gift to us all. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. XO XO XO

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