
Check out www.beyondthecon.com and see the court filings by Dr. Henry Ealy (Oregon) who is on the "same page" as you and more = many violation of laws.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thank you

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May you win and a modicum of justice be served!

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Thoughts: 1) I’ve not seen any reports in the “newspapers” about this suit. 2) I wonder if this is why Baker is not seeking another term, despite his relative popularity.

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seemingly popularity. I know no one who approves of him except for brainwashed

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I was kicked out of school this year for not getting the jab. I’m out 20,000$ in student loans. They wouldn’t allow me to extern at any medical facilities without it (was for a surgical technology degree). I’m in phoenix, AZ. If anyone has any resources please help me. I was just an externship away from graduation.

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How do you win or come out even when the whole scheme is corrupted from top to bottom?

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Kicking ass and taking names. 🙏

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I so LOVE that you are doing this, CdC!!!!!!!!

I also hope that you have made copies and put them in various safe places.

You ROCK, and I love you, and you are on my Good Vibes list that I go through every single night before sleep. XO

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