Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

I agree. I actually know of a small town physician who had this moral choice and decided to go withthe state option regarding treatment. However, when we refused that treatment, having done research, he simply disappeared from being available to my mother who needed it. We read more, went with instinct and she's fine today at 80 years old. I bet he has a bit of trouble sleeping at night. I respected him before... not now, and I let him see it. No words, just disapproval. Sell-outs...both financially and morally. God don't like ugly.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

What a fantastic depiction of the real tragedy of the Great Covid Dumpster Fire! Kudos! The negative outcomes occur at multiple levels and over long time horizons. Some people will be injured (and/or die) now, because of the covid vaccines. Some people will suffer complications and side effects so temporally distant as to obscure the fact that they too are vaccine injured. Some will appear no worse for wear. The bulk of people, the ones in the last two groups--and I selfishly admit that I hope this applies to my loved ones who fell for the scam--will get away clean, for now. The number of people in the last two groups, being so large in comparison to those who are obviously vaccine injured, will allow the same murderous scammers as killed the first group to do it all again later. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

As an aside, our primary care physician, a man we have known for 30+ years and been extremely happy with, uses one of those "wheely laptop tables." He is enough of a truth-teller that he admitted to me that he often finds himself having to at least ask patients if they want "the standard" recommendations. He knows that if he does not ask, someone will report him. "Standard of Care" is the buzzword they use. I call it, "one size fits all" and it's not medicine. At least a few doctors realize that.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

You bring an importan point, my friend. Someone, some time ago, came up with the idea that "standard" equals "excellence". I don't know how did they come.up with that "brilliant" idea. It may be somewhat true if you are manufacturing cars, but certainly not in medicine. Medicine, we were always taught, is part science, part art. In art, "standard" has never been "excellent". There is nothing "standard" about Da Vinci, Mozart... nor any of the giants of Medicine, such as Semmelweiss, Virchow or Osler...

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Indeed, Ivan. For reasons that only a bureaucrat could understand, we began to believe that an assembly line was the appropriate metaphor for medicine. You may recall a line from one of those TV medical dramas, where they would say, "treat 'em and street 'em!" When you view patient care as a triage exercise, there is not much time for art!

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Yikes! Mozart the Freemason and Osler the racist? Not trying to start anything, here. Just looking for better examples. Best.

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Oh, I am so glad you are not trying to start anything. I guess almost everyone in the past was racist or had some terrible vice. 🙄 I did not have in mind at all whether Mozart was a Freemason; this has nothing to do with the point I was trying to make. I guess most musicians agree that his music is exceptional. I don't know anything about Osler's ideas on race. Most physicians I know that have studied the history of medicine, agree that he made great contributions to the practice and education of western medicine. I am sorry my friend... the point I was trying to make is that these people - in their respective fields - did not measure to any "standards". At that moment I could not think of any better examples.

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No worries at all!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

"The losses occur at the margins. The system is centrally tuned and optimized for the bulk, the normal, the frequent."...wow...that frame is so succinct and so clear and soaccurate. I do not know that I have heard this stated this way. I have an uncle, a retired psychiatrist, who thinks all of this COVID stuff is real and believes in masking. Each time I show him the data, he mines the NYT it tells me Joel Smalley isn't peer reviewed. I then want to send him to Retraction Watch and I say the science community has some corruption, I don't know what to believe. What I do know, is that good people, like you, like Joel, and others, have no gain from showing the dark underbelly. And the powers at be have, and did, gain from this. Follow the money as they say. Again, many people are not gaining from their efforts, except to gain the truth and the light.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

And share it...as John has. Thank heaven!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Yes, from the very beginning it was a moral issue, or immoral , depending on how you look at it. The lockdowns were immoral. Any policy that deliberately and definitely causes harm to some in order to try to prevent harm to others is immoral. Indeed, it is evil.

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Great screen name. I just saw that movie last week for the 1st time. Duvall is one of my favorite actors. Not fond of the character he played because I know him well. I see him every time I look in the mirror. Please forgive me Father, a sinner.😱

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Great post John. Thank you. If I recall, Josh Sterling said upwards of 600,000 people per year were dying due to gene-therapy injections. Dr. Denis Rancourt puts the death-toll at 3 million+ globally.

Your story triggered a memory - I was living in Kauai, Hawaii when the covid fraud hit. I followed Dr. Zelenko (RIP) and other truth-tellers; I had HCQ in my medicine cabinet and I was taking Quercetin and zinc daily. I asked my neighbor "doctor" about HCQ - he looked at his iPhone for a few minutes and said " I would not give HCQ to my parents". On the flip side, I purchased a LOT of HCQ and IVM from India - every person that I sent the stuff to said it returned them to normal in a day or two.

Covid is clearly a "Cares Act" ( What an absolute farce - the cares act is criminal ) eugenics program. I recall reading "War Against The Weak" - the history of eugenics in the USA. There are God-less people behind all these murders. They are atheists. They are communists. They are extremely stupid and ignorant. Thanks for always researching and telling the truth. Peace.


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They are Satanists whether they know it or not. That's who they work for.

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100%. God-less people. Peace.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Why would we even need doctors if they aren't allowed to freely practice and diagnose? Anyone could fill that role for a fraction of the cost. Heck, take the middleman right out of the formula and have a computer kiosk that people input their own symptoms! What could go wrong? (Sarcasm intended)

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Yup. Much more to it than the quick short story. The behavior mods have been a long time in the making. That paper out of Canada late 80's adopted by all med schools early 90's and deemed "EBM". A farce and a mockery of medicine and an upside downed scientific method. Patients at the margins will be lost for generations because doctors don't doctor and can be replaced with AI.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Agree. "EBM" at the beginning, APPEARED like a decent idea: "practice medicine according to 'evidence'." But soon it became a farce. Most doctors do not know - nor care to - become competent evaluating the "evidence". Therefore, they become just "guideline followers" of rules established by some "recognized experts". It is a disgrace.

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Yes it is. I watched it happen.

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At the current rate of decline, I we don't think we have generations. I put the outside limit at 15 years, and the minimum at less than 7. You probably know why I selected those numbers. If the global psychopaths get their way, humanity will be totally enslaved/imprisoned by 2030 if not before. It appears 2025 is going to be a very bad year given the IHR/WHO treaty activations. That's when life as people have known it will likely irrevocably change. Those with the power and authority to prevent it refuse to act so it is a virtual certainty, baring Divine intervention, IMHO.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Sarcasm appreciated. I used to teach in a medical school. In recent years, I always wondered why students would spend hundreds of thousands of $, and so much time and effort studying medicine, and they would then only become "algorithm followers". You do not need to be a medical doctor to punch a set of symptoms into a computer and get back an answer. It has become a disgrace.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

When they rolled it out in critical care it was horrifying. We ignored it and attended to each person as needed. The real horror started though when new interns would stand at the bedside during a code with their ACLS algorithm cards. It was the beginning of the end and it was at least 15 years ago. People pay with their lives. Your description of it all being a disgrace is so accurate.

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I saw the quality of the students start to drop significantly in the mid 80's and by the 90's it was obvious that they were no longer learning what we had learned, let alone keeping up with the exponential growth in each of the basic sciences any one of which could take years to learn rather than a few semesters. It's obvious that humans are being phased out of medical decision making altogether.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Absolutely true. In the 90’s there were still MD’s and RNs with years of experience who could offset it by training and mentoring some into knowledgeable practitioners. That bridge was lost completely by the end of that decade. They also succeeded with their corporate take over by promoting the least skilled and ethical into ‘leadership’ and cutting bedside staff, including MD’s, for an outrageously bloated administrative staff.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Exactly, and the process was brought to fruition/completion with the passing of Obama Care which effectively ended private medical practice for subspecialists, and which created the hospital owned/employed intensivists and internal medicine doctors who from that point on were made to follow idiotic protocols or lose their jobs. These changes were all necessary precursors to what they had planned. The stage for 2020 was set by over 3 decades of deliberate destruction of American medicine. In retrospect, the intricate coordination/planning is simply stunning. Most people really can't imagine this degree of perfidy.

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Your last 2 sentences..... frighteningly accurate.

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Agree totally, except I think it's been 10 decades in the making, thanks to Rockefeller and Co.

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They were led to believe (falsely) that there was big money in it. I tried to tell prospective students in the 90's, that it wasn't worth the time and effort. Corporate medicine ruined private practice and Obama Care simply put the final nail in the coffin.

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That's the point. Eliminate all thinking from medicine and you don't need physicians.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Again, an original approach to a very dangerous 'campaign. John, you strike a 'real life/real time' chord here. The depicted scenarios are easily understood. There is no other word I can think of to describe this insane situation besides what it really is: extortion. 100% either/or. Sadly, the ego's selfish survivalist instinct seems to override honesty every time. On the other hand an awful lot of seasoned/veteran medical professionals are taking 'early retirement' left and right. This too speaks volumes. Imagine if these newly retired people spoke out about their real reasons for curtailing their careers. I suspect it would be a game changer. But alas! It's all about self-preservation in the end, isn't it?

Thanks, John. Keep at it!

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Just out of curiosity, couldn't Bill or Frank have presented the options to the patient along with his informed recommendation and let the patient decide? Can the government "standard of care" override the patient's informed consent?

It does seem that Obamacare put in place all the parts that allowed the government takeover of medical care. Starting in 2014, all the independent doctor practices in my area began consolidating under regional or national health care conglomerates that I had never heard of. That seemed to establish the infrastructure for what happened during the Wuhan virus debacle.

A family member suffered a severe adverse reaction to the vaccination and passed. My own doctor knew of that and still pushed the vaccine to me. I've learned in the past month that doctor offices were provided financial incentives to vaccinate all patients. It makes me sick to my stomach that my doctor's office financial incentives mattered more than personalized care and this seems to be the new normal.

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I watched the same happen to those with careers in sales. Most start out as normal people. They don't just all of a sudden sacrifice morals and ethics. Just a little over-commitment or little white lie early in a career. That builds to bigger and bigger lies and manipulations. Their friends change and their relationships change. Everything becomes fake and a con. Not all. Not even most. But a great many fall down this slippery slope of integrity degradation.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

I still wonder if we are heading to a government override of patient's consent for the type of care they receive. If doctors are incentivized to go against the patient's best interests, then how much easier it will be to incentivize insurance companies to refuse to pay for non-standard care as defined by the government?

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Ian, we are 25 years past that point…sadly.

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Some know we have been past that point. Others won't know until they get turned down for a cervical vert MRI, but the Thoracic vert MRI is approved because two T verts are fractured, which sounds bad, but both anterior and no issue but pain. And the C4/C5 disc that's herniated caused a total loss of the C4 dermatome that the NP wrote wrong because she didn't know what a dermatome was because she's not an MD and should not be seeing patients in that capacity. So, the fight with the insurance company occurred and it was such a pain in the a$$ that the patient (me) just let it go. The dermatome came back in feeling over the next 5 years, but not all the way. And the herniation is kept in check through certain exercises. And by the way, C5/6/7 are fused with a titanium plate and 3 screws. But that wasn't even as bad as the L4/L5 surgery and continuing issue. I only wrote this much to show how badly medical care can go sideways when centralization occurs. And the article is from both personal experience and research. I have a whole chapter on how EBM wrecked USA medicine in my upcoming book.

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🎯 Excellent question, with a predictable answer. I think it’s in place already, effectively.

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Already happening. See: Medicare/Medicaid. Also: Medicare 'Advantage'.

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Already there. Hubby was infected with mycobacterium abscessus during surgery 2008. This year, following another surgery infection manifested (immune system had kept it in check previously).

Lab has confirmed this mycobacterium is already resistant to most antibiotics, including the three-drug regimen that Medicare DEMANDS is used and patient experiences "failure" before other treatments are allowed.

Hospitalization has been extended months, yes months, due to this innane Medicare ruling. The government has spent more money in a couple of months (per diem hospital charges) than they would have spent on the antibiotics and home health care.

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Insane! Possibly corrupt.

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Definitely corrupt.

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This is a society-wide problem. We’re seeing this in almost every aspect of life. It is inevitably wrong behavior - failing far more often than “official” reporting would have you believe. It is the manifestation of tyrannical mediocrity expressed as bureaucracy. For example, the misapplication of lean six sigma to produce foreordained and stupid results is common and actually demonstrated in these tales.

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Medicine is part art, part science. With the captured mainstream healthcare 'system', quite well portrayed in this fictional story, we have neither

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

"A pandemic is a social construct." Eugyppius

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Great article, John. You are right. Too many doctors ARE NOT making the correct moral decision, but are opting for the "safe" Big Hospital/Big Pharma prescribed treatment for their patients, which is "safe" for the doctor but dangerous for the patient. They are violating their oath of "First, do no harm."

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Coquin de Chien

Great article, John. I used to be a teacher in a medical school. I always taught that the "bottom line" of good medical practice was medical ethics. Computer algorithms cannot ever substitute sound medical judgement.

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Well penned, thanks; and, I suggest you add to, and raise above Maslow's Self-Actualization as a model for understanding Covid-1984, Stanley Milgram's "Shocker" of Ordinary Obedience to Authority.

“This is, perhaps, the most fundamental lesson of our study: ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority. A variety of inhibitions against disobeying authority come into play and successfully keep the person in his place. The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far reaching consequence of submission to authority.” Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram

Get free then stay safe.

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I've always liked and appreciated these psych studies, though I know they cannot be done today due to ethical violations. The participants do not fare well after realizing their failure before moral hazards.

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Find a competent, independent primary care physician who has avoided EMR and is a true collaborator in promoting health care. They are out there!

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Beautifully written and sadly accurate. I'm very thankful that my primary care stayed true to her oath. Even treated Covid with FLCCC protocols during the evening all through 2021. Recently she left the corporate practice she was in and now has a direct primary care practice. Needless to say, I have followed her there!

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