Response to Opposition of New Hampshire House Bill 1661, A bill to Ensure Public Health Data Transparency
NH DHHS Bureau Chiefs Failed the People of NH and Wish to Keep Hidden the People's Data by Opposing HB 1661
The text of New Hampshire House Bill HB 1661 can be found here.
My testimony in support of HB 1661 can be found at this link here, set to arrive at the start time ~ 5:19:00.
The testimony of the oppostion to HB 1661 by the NH DHHS bureau chiefs can be found at this link here, set to arrive at the start time ~5:31:15.
After testifying in support of NH HB 1661, I fielded questions from House Members. I have no idea what party any one of them is in. That’s pretty cool that I could not tell. Regardless of party, all the House Members present seemed engaged and asked poignant questions. I respect each and every one of them for their challenges to HB 1661 as it is written; and I feel that I answered all questions to the satisfaction of those who asked.
It seems to have gone well as I have received numerous inquiries from other states and from national media. Multiple states’ senators and house members will be submitting versions of the concept of HB 1661 in the next few weeks.
After my testimony, a man and woman, two bureau chiefs from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, testified in opposition to HB 1661. Please listen to their testimony after mine in order to understand why I wrote the response to the House members that now follows.
January 28, 2024
From: John Paul Beaudoin, Sr. (contact information at the end)
To: House Members of NH (please copy necessary parties whose names I do not have)
Dear House Members,
Thank you for hosting me for a short description of the necessity of HB 1661.
With great regret I am compelled to provide you information regarding the DHHS bureau chiefs’ testimony that followed mine. I will wait a few days before I publish this commentary to my readers in case any of you would first like to talk about this. The situation does not look good for NH DHHS.
My hearing is not good and could not find the names of the bureau chiefs online. One was a man and one was a woman. I will have to go with those identifiers herein.
A house member asked the bureau chiefs if DHHS is alarmed about sudden deaths. The gentleman bureau chief’s answer was mere and only included looking at the death records database. The gentleman also mentioned that if there was a covid vaccine-caused injury, it would be reported through the U.S. HHS’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). This answer should frighten all House Members.
When asked further by a house member if DHHS was alarmed at the amount and ages of sudden deaths including a 27-year-old and teenagers, and if DHHS was doing anything like forming a committee to look into what is happening, the woman bureau chief answered. She stated that her office focuses on certain indicators and that she had her staff look into the most current death record data to see if there are any vaccine-caused adverse effects listing ICD-10 code “U12.9.” (ICD-10 codes are international causation codes created and managed by the World Health Organization (WHO), a subset of which is used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).)
Not all ICD-10 codes are adopted by the CDC. It seems that the individual U.S. states only apply codes approved for use by the CDC. In fact, most, if not all, states send death records to the CDC without ICD-10 codes. The CDC then runs the prose of death records Parts I (causes of death) & II (conditions that may have contributed to death) through two software programs named TRANSAX and ACME. These software programs apply the ICD-10 codes automatically to the death records based on the prose used in Parts I & II. The death records are then returned, with codes, to the respective states.
If all that the woman bureau chief has ever done to monitor potential vaccine deaths is look for “U12.9,” then she will not find any. And, in the hearing, she stated that she did not find any. Neither is “U12.9” found in nearly one million Minnesota and Massachusetts death certificates. Why?
The CDC seems not to have adopted this code from the WHO. A search of the CDC’s website shows no mention of “U12.9” or “U129.” However, a full web search shows that Germany and the United Kingdom have adopted “U12.9,” the context of which follows. There is a stunning notation on the WHO’s document, which has no official markings on it, but can be found on their website at The notation for “U12” prefix is as follows:
U12.9 COVID-19 vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use, unspecified
Note: This code is to be used as an external cause code (i.e. as a subcategory under Y59 Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances). In addition to this, a code from another chapter of the classification should be used indicating the nature of the adverse effect.
Correct administration of COVID-19 vaccine in prophylactic therapeutic use as the cause of any adverse effect.
On the website of the Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom is a very similar notation. The UK indeed seems to have adopted the code. This reference applies to the following italic text quotation: (15 February 2021). Deaths and adverse reactions following the COVID-19 vaccine. Office for National Statistics. Retrieved January 28, 2024 from
For deaths involving an adverse reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine, we will now use the recently implemented WHO International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision. ICD-10 code.
U12.9 COVID-19 vaccines causing adverse effects in therapeutic use, unspecified
This code is to be used as an external cause code (i.e. as a sub category under Y59, "Other and unspecified vaccines and biological substances""). In addition to this, a code from another chapter of the classification should be used indicating the nature of the adverse effect.
Now comes the difficult part to tell you. Notice that “U12.9” is to be used as a subcategory under “Y59.” Not only is there no mention of “U12.9” on the CDC website and no use of it on nearly a million death certificates, but even the UK and the WHO state that “U12.9” is a subcategory and that “Y59” should be listed for a vaccine poisoning.
“Y59” was used on both Massachusetts and Minnesota death records for vaccine-caused deaths. “Y59.0” means, “Viral vaccines” as a cause of death on a death record.
It appears that the New Hampshire Bureau Chief for Health Statistics & Informatics has not looked for the right information in the death record database. This is basic information I have known for years. She should have searched for “Y59.” But that’s not the only one. There are plenty of other codes that TRANSAX ACME software may apply to vaccine-caused deaths. “T88.1” was also used in both Massachusetts and Minnesota death records. T88.1 means, "Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified.” In Minnesota was also found “T50.9,” which means, “Other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances.”
The House Members should also know that specific and credible evidence shows that the CDC committed several acts of felony fraud against The People by hiding vaccine-caused deaths. After early 2021, several Massachusetts and Minnesota death records include the words “vaccine” or “vaccination” in Part I or II of death records. Yet there are not codes Y59.0 and T88.1 applied by TRANSAX and ACME after early 2021. There must have been some type of human intervention to the automatic application of codes by the software. Either the software feature to apply vaccine or immunization codes was turned “off” or the codes generated by the software were deleted from the records, thus hiding vaccine-cause deaths from The People. This evidence can be found in detail in The CDC Memorandum, which I authored. In The CDC Memorandum, there is more evidence involving “notice” to the CDC and their response involving further fraud. The evidence is overwhelming and is contained in ~130 pages of enumerated factual allegations and 150 pages of ~400 graphs of causes of death.
I am sorry to have to tell you that the NH DHHS is far afield from competence in disease or adverse event tracking and prevention. I am but one man and I have created a system unrivaled in 50 state health departments, the CDC, and the FDA all employing nearly 250,000 people, mostly acting in a capacity to market and distribute pharmaceutical products.
HB 1661 is a vigilance system at nominal cost, greater cost avoidance (thus net financial benefit) and tremendous life saving ability. The gentleman bureau chief mentioned that HB 1661 would bypass current competitive bidding standards. Yes, it would do that because it gets the job done pro bono for New Hampshire. In fact, it would not only be at no cost to New Hampshire, but there would be four entities performing robust analyses for New Hampshire, all of which would most certainly be of greater competence than government data scientists. The current system is competitive bidding where New Hampshire citizens incur the cost of the audits, only one bidder is chosen, creating a single point of failure, potential for poor quality, and there is no oversight of DHHS. The Bureau Chiefs demonstrated through their testimony that NH DHHS is less than competent at understanding the value and utility of state data in situations of disease, immunization, and other negative externalities that New Hampshire may face.
Further, the excuses proffered lack integrity when measured against whole truth. Training is a nominal cost. Simply use an equation in a spreadsheet to count the number of unique names of death certifiers over the past ten years. That is the maximum needed to be trained. DHHS Bureau Chiefs would have you believe it is going to take $160,000 to train every doctor in New Hampshire, which is preposterous. All it would take is $5K to make a 3-minute training video available to those needing to access the New Hampshire Immunization Information System (NHIIS). Medical examiners would easily learn to use it and use it often, completing hundreds of death records per year. Care-home doctors would also easily learn the system as they encounter tens of deaths per year.
Please realize that the information gets into the NHIIS system by all those who administer the injections. Pharmacists, nurses, hospital staff, and many others have access to the system. The privacy concern by the gentleman Bureau Chief is a statement that doctors and medical examiners cannot be trusted as much as pharmacists and nurses in remote clinics or mass-service drug stores.
The excuses to oppose HB 1661 do not pass muster. Given the failures of state and federal health departments to provide transparency and competence over the past four years and due to the million lives lost to covid “vaccines” and CDC recommended hospital protocols, legislatures must step up and statutorily require transparency. HB 1661 delivers transparency and requires competent reporting that is the primary mission of the NH DHHS. HB 1661 does more than deliver data transparency. It corrals NH DHHS to be on-mission, effective, and worthwhile. The organizational behavior and department culture that will flow from this bill will make NH DHHS a place where people want to do a good job every workday knowing that they are providing a vital service to The People.
Please do not let this opportunity escape. Unabashedly I opine that this is the best public health transparency bill every to be brought before a state or U.S. legislative session.
Thank you for reading and I am available to answer any questions or consult pro bono to repair the NH DHHS and restore trust in the state agency. Hundreds have died in New Hampshire from covid “vaccines” and more will continue to die. The People are awakening. Now is the time to do them right. God bless you all.
John Paul Beaudoin, Sr.
Several copycats (immitation is flattery - so I use this word affectionately) are proposing bills akin to HB 1661 without understanding the full breadth and reasoning behind the nuances of HB 1661. This is not a bill to merely correlate vaccine dates with death certificates. This bill creates a culture in DHHS around service to The People rather than to lobbyists and pharmaceutical companies. Everyone will benefit from TRUTH being brought to The People, even the lobbyists, who also have families filled with children vulnerable to untested pharma products.
HB 1661
Net budget positive
DHHS agency culture formed to be on-mission toward public health analysis
Trust in DHHS will be restored
Best in World - Public Health - Early Warning System for pathogens by location, medicament, water supply, food supply, and other variables
Best in World - Public Health - Investigation System for externalities causing negative or positive health outcomes (If a drug or vaccine is safe, it will be shown. If it is not safe, it will be shown. If it is effective, it will be shown. If it is not effective, it will be shown.)
As it is today, NH DHHS does not even look for negative effects of medicaments including vaccines or drugs. Asking a staff member to search for a code, unused in USA to the best of my knowledge, after THREE YEARS of mass deployment of a new technology gene therapy drug they now call a “vaccine” (because that word has acceptance and has an “anti” word they can use against opposition) does NOT qualify to be called “looking for negative effects.” That is willful ignorance and purposeful omission of required conduct.
The NH DHHS has a legal duty to investigate hundreds of deaths in NH. The legislature of NH must act for The People they represent. The legislature is duty-bound in oversight of the largest agency in NH government. This DHHS incompetence and omission of required conduct must be remediated. Hundreds are dead in NH because of this omission of required conduct.
Organizational behavior studies suggest that the culture of DHHS must be reset and that will not happen unless the legislature makes it happen. HB 1661 is a very good start. Without HB 1661, The People of New Hampshire are at the whim of an incompetent organization making rules that are detrimental to The People and which caused the deaths of hundreds.
New Hampshire is no different than the other 49 states in this regard, but why be like all other failed health departments when The People needed them most? Be better. Do better. Act for The People in passing HB 1661. Else you may have to explain to your child why her other parent died at 45-years-old from a pulmonary embolism. Turbo cancer is real as secondary malignant neoplasm of the lymph nodes involved deaths are more than 400% of normal in Massachusetts in 2023. How many died from stroke who should not have in the past three years? Fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters erased from Earth as families are devastated for decades. How can you explain the death of a 2-year-old child shortly after covid “vaccination?”
This is real. HB 1661 is an answer not only to the present situation. It is an aegis for public health of the future.
Either pharma owns the legislative process or The People do. Let’s show the world what USA and New Hampshire are all about. Are we subjects or are we sovereign citizens of sovereign states like the Achaean League or in the vision of Santo Tommaso D’Aquino?
Thank you for reading. God bless you all.
John 14:6
“And Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
The Real CdC and THE CDC MEMORANDUM will ship next week in eBook form and will ship in paper form in about 2.5 to 3 weeks. The cover art will be different than originally shown. It’s all done. I’m just awaiting Library of Congress numbers.
Sorry for the delay in delivering the books. Thank you for your patience. I am happy with the final products and happy that I took over the publishing last weekend.
Let’s effect real hope and change beginning with TRUTH, the moral foundation of a civil society. Before that, people must recognize the false, amorphous, immoral foundation put upon us and upon which no civility can be built. Do not accept the immorality of the social media apps. Do not accept the half naked women or fully naked women flashing by social media apps. Do not accept the whorish behavior that has become so common. Do not accept the dying elders erased by turbo cancer, turbo dementia, clotting, bleeding, and other NEW phenomena NEVER before seen at this level in the history of man. Do NOT accept gene tinkering by mad scientists purporting to need to create pathogens in order to protect us from them.
Take back the world from the corrupt politicians who seek power over more intelligent people.
Rage, rage against the dying of the LIGHT OF TRUTH. We will restore TRUTH as it is God’s will.
I am so pleased to see your competence on display. Your grasp of the information was extremely reassuring. Let’s hope NH does the right thing. Thank you!
Excellent John. Why we have to beg politicians for our own data is bad enough but full marks to you for keeping cool and simple. I pray God your bill gets through and becomes standard all over the USA.