On Thursday, June 8th at around 2:00 AM, I registered to speak at the Massachusetts "Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness and Management.”
The “ORAL TESTIMONY” instructions required registration before Thursday, June 8th, at 1:00PM, which I had completed. Each speaker was to have four (4) minutes to speak. Written testimony could also be submitted to two (2) e-mail addresses. The order of speakers was not specified.
On Monday June 12, 2023, I drove to Boston, paid my $28 parking fee, and proceeded to the Massachusetts State House, the Capitol building of Massachusetts.
After entering the State House and a long jaunt through the large building to the room for the hearing, I found a seat and waited hours to speak my four (4) minutes.
You can find my four (4) minutes of speaking edited out of the hours of video here
If you wish to read and hear about the entire hearing, you can find it here
The purpose was to support Bill H 734 “An Act prohibiting COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of entry.” I went afield from the specific bill and let them know TRUTH like they likely never heard before. In Massachusetts, it is difficult to find people who do not live in the fantasy world of pandem…onia.
Two (2) days after the hearing on June 14, 2023, my eldest son’s birthday (he would have been 25yo), I was in a pretty bad mood all day. I sent a follow-up e-mail to the Emergency Preparedness committee.
As I now look at the video, I see an empty chair next to Mr. Driscoll, the guy who ran the meeting. In the e-mail I addressed a Mr. Pacheco, who seems to be sitting two to the right of Mr. Driscoll. The man who called me and many others in Massachusetts “Climate Denier” was just to the right of Mr. Driscoll. I now wonder if the childish name-caller left the room, which caused me to perhaps make a mistake and address the wrong man.
If I addressed the wrong man in my e-mail below, then I apologize to Mr. Pacheco and I wish I knew the name of man who had so much disdain for constituents whom he is supposed to represent. Someone who is supposed to be a servant of the people should not use their voice to scold the very people he is supposed to serve, most of whom are more intelligent, gracious, and rational than he is.
Since I cannot change the e-mail, it will stand. Mr. Pacheco, if he is not the one who called me names, will understand the mistake and accept my apology; and the man who did say it will get the message because I copied all of them on the e-mail.
Below is the e-mail.
The three attachments to the e-mail are 1) Amended Complaint Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022), 2) Exhibit A Affidavit, and 3) Exhibit F. All three (3) can be found at viaveravita.com
Subject: Follow-up to hearing on Monday June 12, 2023
To: matthew.murphy@mahouse.gov, Mary.Wasylyk@masenate.gov, marc.pacheco@masenate.gov, Walter.Timilty@masenate.gov, William.Driscoll@mahouse.gov, Steven.Owens@mahouse.gov, Michael.Brady@masenate.gov, Jacob.Oliveira@masenate.gov, Becca.Rausch@masenate.gov, Ryan.Fattman@masenate.gov, Shirley.Arriaga@mahouse.gov, Rob.Consalvo@mahouse.gov, Francisco.Paulino@mahouse.gov, Chynah.Tyler@mahouse.gov, James.Arena-DeRosa@mahouse.gov, Margaret.Scarsdale@mahouse.gov, Manny.Cruz@mahouse.gov, Paul.Frost@mahouse.gov, David.Vieira@mahouse.gov
To MA State Senators and House Members of Emergency Preparedness Committee,
Please find attached three (3) documents submitted as testimony along with my verbal ~4 minutes spoken in-person on Monday June 12, 2023.
The attachments are filed in US District Court, District of Massachusetts under
Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022)
Exhibit F details massive amounts of fraud and other federal felonies committed by agents of the executive branch of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Since Exhibit F was initially filed on August 23, 2022, I have found numerous other vaccine deaths and fraudulently labeled covid deaths.
Each of you, by your Oaths of office or your implied Oaths by virtue of working in your positions, has a legal duty to act on information and belief that a crime has been, is being, or will be committed or that there is danger to the public that you can avert by actions of the legislature.
This email, my verbal statement on Monday, and the attachments herein provided constitute legal notice. You have a legal duty to investigate the executive branch for this massive pandemic fabrication and cover-up of covid vaccine caused deaths that led to thousands more deaths from covid vaccines in Massachusetts alone.
Inaction concurrent with a legal duty to act, and with knowledge of reasonable facts that crimes have been, are being, or will be committed, is itself criminally prosecutable. Even if you have knowledge that people are in danger and do not act, then it is criminal inaction.
Let me be clear. If you do not act in good faith to pursue the allegations in the attachments, then you are personally liable for what flows from your inaction. When more people die from covid vaccinations, and more people will die from them, if a reasonable time has passed since notification, then you could be responsible for homicide crimes for which there is no statute of limitations.
There is no qualified or sovereign immunity for criminal behavior. There will one day be an honest DoJ at the federal level and crimes without statutes of limitations will be pursued against those who do not fulfill their Oaths of office and their legal duties.
All you have to do is investigate. Simply look at the injunctive relief requested in the attachments, then act on it. You have the power to investigate the executive branch.
In addition to the vaccine deaths, something, likely Veklury Remdesivir and/or the vaccines, has already killed more than 2,000 EXCESS people in Massachusetts by Acute Renal Failure (ARF) alone. These are not all old people. These vicitims are many in the 25 to 50 age range as well.
ARF is a pandemic bigger than covid, bigger than the Hong Kong flu and bigger than anything since 1919. Yet, you and MA DPH seem unaware that it is even happening. Well, now you know.
While MA DPH pretends there is a pandemic of covid, CDC and MA DPH recommendations manufactured a pandemic of kidney failure likely using a drug that Fauci and CDC recommended because they had no other home for it after it killed people in Ebola trials.
The link above is an 18 minute video. It is a fast version of a presentation I gave in the State House a few weeks ago.
You now have, in this one video, more information about the health of MA residents than the entire MA DPH of ~4K people provides. No where in the world is a more thorough analysis of death records than what I have done. I have hundreds of findings and graphs unrivaled anywhere in the world. More than one million people have seen my work worldwide and more than 1,000 MD's, PhD's, and lawyers have had private viewings.
Either the CDC and MA DPH have no idea what is happening or they are hiding from what is happening.
The truth will come out. The work is done and in the public domain.
Children were killed by the ludicrous measures enacted by the executive branch in Massachusetts. It is your duty to ensure this does not happen again.
And, hey Pacheco, if you want label and denigrate people with name-calling like "Climate Denier", then you're not fit to be in your position. I have a bunch of names for you, but I'm a gentleman and won't put them in this e-mail. Your public behavior toward constituents who don't adhere to your climate religion is disgusting and not fit for civil discourse.
Coincidentally, I was at the funeral for my uncle who was the lead Nuclear Engineer in charge of maintenance and refueling of the Plymouth plant for more than two decades. He ran all the import stuff in that place. And also coincidentally, I put together the design tools deal with Draper Labs, Raytheon, Honeywell, General Dynamics, Dynamics Research, the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Indiana, and Astrium. The MK6LE is the Trident Mark 6 Nuclear Missile Guidance Control System Life Extension project. The Polaris missile pops out of submarines. That's the one. That deal has netted more than $1B for Mentor Graphics (now Siemens). And I can tell you that all the programmed and scripted people who spoke on Monday trying to tie Climate Change to nuclear power and nuclear missiles are just tools of the One Health initiative of globalist takeover of all US governments from federal to states and local. They have no idea what they're talking about scientifically or factually. They just repeat the prose like robot parrots. Voting for anything they say is voting for the foreign lobbyists trying to control how Americans live.
Do I seem angry? Yes, I'm angry for having to sit and listen to a bunch of people who don't have a clue what they're talking about and that includes Pacheco.
If you all want to learn something, then feel free to reach out to me. And that includes my State Senator Rausch copied on this e-mail. I'm really a nice guy and I don't fault people for ignorance and lower intellect. I do fault people for seeking positions of power to promote an agenda antithetical to the US Constitution, the Massachusetts Constitution from which it was wrought, and the doctrines of Santo Tommaso D'Aquino, John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and other intelligent people who knew that pushing tyranny of the plurality over individual liberty brings negative externalities to society and to the very people pushing for that type of democracy.
John Paul Beaudoin, Sr.
aka, Coquin de Chien
Thank you so very much for all of your work. Reading this gives me hope that we can slay the dragons.
God bless you John. Youre an absolute warrior. Youre one of the hero's in this fight thanks so much for doing all you do.