Massachusetts Anecdrokes
Birdie on a par 4 OR back, butterfly, and breast; thromboembolic death is the new normal
Much like the way Trump humorously nicknames an adversary, the covid vaccine enterprise also plays word games to capture the minds of lazy thinkers. Call it marketing or a psychological operation (“psyop”) or nudging or some other term. It surely is effective. They changed the definitions of “vaccine” and “antivaxxer” and the majority of public didn’t even know.
Other labels to control minds include: conspiracy theory or theorist, anecdote or anecdotal, trust the science, vaccine, antivaxxer, new normal, booster, breakthrough, social distancing, unprecedented, essential, rare. Some are actual oxymorons. Some are blatant changes to definitions. Others are meant to create negative or positive connotations beyond normal reasoning. If they can capture a mind with three words or fewer, then they prevent people from thinking, discerning, comparing, or debating. This “enterprise” level propaganda campaign is not just serendipitous happenstance to our adversaries. These words are planned, calculated, deployed, and repeated on The People by the government.
Since the 1990’s, “anecdote” was turned on its head and derogated as a lower form of evidence when it is often better than statistical evidence. People reacting in minutes and dying in days are labeled “anecdotal evidence” by oppo agents, while those agents promote low power studies with 8 mice or 18% greater effectiveness versus placebo or abstention. And we, the thinking minority of the populous, just complain how ridiculous the studies are. Meanwhile, the majority are propagandized to believe a phrase from a paper’s conclusion is true; and while that conclusion is completely disparate to the data therein.
“Anecdote” is used as a cudgel against real people who experienced real harm or real death. This is purposeful, evil, and murderous. Oppo agents know what they are defending and they know more people will die; yet they choose this evil path for reasons of personal gain or protection of current life style and the social circle they enjoy.
Definition of “rare”
coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon
I’d bet the farm that I heard and read the word “rare” more in the last 2 years than in the sum total of all other 56 years of my life. And since Monday Night Football, “rare” in 2023 is already outpacing the last 2 years.
The use of “rare” and “rarely” is meant to gaslight readers. When reading articles and research papers, ignore all adverbs and half of the adjectives. Discern opinion from data.
Enough of these silly terms “rare” and “rarely.” Like other Coquin de Chien (“CdC”) articles, this one is about hard evidence - real anecdotes, real cases, real deaths, real grief and missing loved ones. This article depicts three stroke victims in one state in three months. Onset of symptoms is minutes or hours after covid vaccination. All cases were covered up. Vigilance in safety was thwarted.
Since the 1990’s, doctors have been indoctrinated in the doctrine of a cult of central authority called evidence-based medicine (“EBM”). Doctors are taught that they are a weird cult of scientists. However, statistical evidence is often a sideshow to what we know is right in front of us. Prior to the 1990’s, doctors used to be failure analysis engineers of the human body.
Scientists don’t solve problems. They study problems … for years upon years. Engineers solve problems, fix things, design, and test things. And they do it on a schedule, not ad infinitum.
Example: Adverse event A is caused by B. 1) Scientists will set up and conduct studies to test B in various situations, including a null influence of B (control). Then, scientists will analyze the results, author a paper, propose conclusions, wait for peer review, make changes, then go to publishing. 2) Engineers will say, “Stop doing B. Let’s go grab a beer.”
Go to doctors who doctor, not those who follow central authority doctrine. We can all use a computer and AI to diagnose ourselves. A follower of central processing and authority as my doctor is not what I want. I want a doctor who knows me, my history, my family’s history, the local community, and its unique hazards. Every person is unique. Every locale is unique.
You may have noticed a void of analysis of strokes in the writings of CdC. There are a few reasons, not least of which is that strokes are spread across many different types, often with disparate ICD-10 code prefixes. An ischemic stroke is based on clots that hinder blood supply to the brain and a hemorrhagic stroke is based on bleeds that occur from weakened and ruptured blood vessels, aneurysms being a type. Here are a few stroke ICD-10 codes. “G” is nervous system and “I” is circulatory system.
G08 Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
G45 Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes
G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases
I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage
I62 Other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage
I63 Cerebral infarction
I64 Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction
G08 can be used for a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (“CVST”), and who would know that but a doctor? Thus, it was too difficult to gather data on strokes from the covid vaccine when compared to the low-lying fruit of heart, lung, blood, and lymph deaths from covid vaccinea that are showcased in earlier CdC articles.
Anecdotal evidence
Diane Claire Dubois (Guerette) died at the age of 62yo on March 18, 2021. Her Death Certificate stated:
Notice there are three causes listed in the narrative fields, but only two in the ICD-10 codes. The hemorrhage and thrombocytopenia were coded. The covid vaccination was not coded as a cause of death despite it being the likely root cause of death.
The ICD-10 code omission may have initially been a mistake. However, Complaint for injunctive and declaratory relief BEAUDOIN v BAKER et al (2022), Docket No. 1:22-cv-11356-NMG, filed August 23, 2022, serves as notice to the medical examiner, Chief Medical Examiner, Commissioner of Public Health, and Governor of Massachusetts. It has been more than four (4) months since notice was given and this Death Certificate should be changed. A request will go out soon for an updated database and this record will be checked for change. If Diane’s Death Certificate still is not corrected, then it is no longer a mistake because notice serves as knowledge, and given the importance of the matter, inaction now comprises criminal fraud on a public record.
Another reason this record is important is because the CODI(X) fields evince knowledge that the vaccine was causal. An omission of investigation immediately after death is reckless inaction. The public relies on the Department of Public Health to keep us safe from bad drugs and procedures that cause such horrendously painful death as our brain blowing apart in our skull.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (“VAERS”) is a battlefield between factions. Pro-covid-vax people say that it’s not under-reported and cannot be trusted because anyone can input a record. Why do they say that? As shown in EXHIBIT H of BEAUDOIN v BAKER et al (2022), HHS and CDC purposely derogated their own pharmacovigilance system on social media. EXHIBIT H is built from FOIA responses to the requests of America First Legal found here. The VAERS system, put in place for the safety of the public, and to keep an eye on vaccine injuries, was purposely made, by government agents, to look bad in the eyes of the public. This is pure propaganda perpetrated by the government on The People. Hundreds of thousands died as a result of this criminally murderous conduct.
Was Diane Dubois’ covid vaccine death reported to VAERS? The medical examiner, Dr. Julie Hull, one of the defendants listed in the aforementioned lawsuit, knows the covid vaccine was involved in the death because she wrote that it was in the CODIB field. The absence of an ICD-10 code was noted earlier. According to VAERS web page found here, Dr. Hull has a duty, as does every other doctor, nurse, or administrator, to ensure Diane’s covid vaccine-associated death is reported to VAERS. Here is some of the text from
“… healthcare providers must report any additional selected AEs and/or any revised safety reporting requirements per FDA's conditions of authorized use of vaccine(s) throughout the duration of any COVID-19 vaccine's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or any approved COVID-19 vaccine …”
There is no death of a 62yo woman from Massachusetts listed in VAERS in 2021. This is one anecdote of a failed system. The Death Certificate is incomplete and the VAERS record does not exist.
Cuisine québécoise
Diane is obviously what we called “French-Canadian” when I was growing up. I know better now. We are québécois. Someone wrote nice memories about Diane in her obituary. She was a mother and grandmother and was truly loved by friends and family. One interesting thing that caught my eye was the term “French Meat Stuffing.” I still have this every Thanksgiving. My grandfather, René Thibault, taught my mother, Dotty, and she taught my sister, Margot. Whatever bread became stale throughout the year was put into a bag and into the bread drawer without closing the lid. Every year growing up, just before Thanksgiving, I would take out the grinder, clamp it to the table, and grind all the stale bread into breadcrumbs to be used in what my family just called “Stuffing.” If any québécois are reading this, then let’s be authentic and call it what it is or what it was derived from … Tourtière. If you look it up, you won’t find my family’s recipe. And I doubt you will find Diane’s recipe. However, there is no doubt that Diane’s family loved having her French Meat Stuffing at Thanksgiving every year. I’m so sorry they will miss Diane each Thanksgiving and I hope they carry on the French Meat Stuffing tradition in her memory as we do in my mom’s, Dotty’s, memory.
And because Diane’s untimely death was not investigated, but instead covered-up, the covid vaccines were not paused in Massachusetts. Brianna was injected March 30, 2021.
Brianna Mary McCarthy died at the age of 30yo on April 15, 2021. Her Death Certificate stated:
Brianna was a young high school English teacher and took her Methuen Public Schools mandated covid vaccine twelve (12) days after Diane died from a stroke shortly after being covid vaccinated. See local news paper covid vaccine announcement here.
Brianna’s VAERS record is below.
Brianna’s story requires investigation because the conflicting information of events following her death do not appear to be mere mistakes. The best way to depict the happenings is to establish a timeline.
In addition to the Death Certificate and VAERS record, Brianna’s information is sourced from a draft copy of a Brief Report entitled, “Fatal Post COVID mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Thrombosis” and the published version of it entitled, “Fatal Post COVID mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia” published December 5, 2022 in The Neurohospitalist Society. These two reports are listed at the end of this article.
The confusing timeline follows.
Someone entered wrong dates or time references. If the covid vaccine date is correct, then how can the published report authored by six (6) doctors state that she developed emergency evaluation “three weeks” after vaccination. That would put the emergency evaluation 4 days after she died.
Also, the VAERS record states that she recovered “easily from Covid-19” in “November,” while the Brief Report paper stated “prior asymptomatic COVID-19 infection three months earlier…” Three months before the VAERS record vaccination date is within a couple days of the new year. The VAERS record basis for time shows at least one month to two months longer than what the Brief Report states.
If the VAERS record vax date was entered erroneously early by one month, then the Brief Report timeline might make sense. However, the Brief Report does state that her severe headache came on within 24 hours, which is consistent with the VAERS report. Given that they both have a similar very short period between covid vaccination and onset of symptoms, one would have to believe that Brianna walked around with a severe headache for a month. Neither of the reports or records mention anything like such an extended headache scenario.
Why would there be such discrepancy? It seems that the authors of the Brief Report are trying to increase the time between covid vaccine and death and decrease the time between covid disease and death.
Notwithstanding the timeline confusion, reports agree that onset of severe headache occurred quickly, 24 hours in the Brief Report and less than 3 days in the VAERS record, and both agree that Brianna died from a stroke.
My new friends will be very interested to know of the endothelial damage and T-cell inflammatory response. My analyses of Massachusetts Death Certificates in articles such as Mors ex cruentum sanguinem found here and C19 “vaccine” - the cause of causes found here indicate clots and bleeds leading to heart deaths, thromboembolic deaths, and other blood related deaths began en masse in 2021 and amount to thousands of excess blood system deaths in Massachusetts alone since the covid vaccines were introduced.
Clearly, Brianna is a covid vaccine death. The draft report below states, “The diffuse endothelial damage and vessel wall inflammation seen on pathology suggests an underlying pro-thrombotic state triggered by recent COVID-vaccination.”
Although I am not sure when the family signed off on the doctors report about this case, it is my understanding that the family likely received this draft copy below shown at the end of this article. If they signed off on this case study, then the published case study should not have changed without a re-sign-off after changes from the draft version.
The published report includes the statement above, and adds, “In summary, administration of COVID-19 vaccine was considered a possible cause of the extensive multifocal arterial thromboses with associated inflammatory response and elevated intracranial pressure given the temporal association.”
Aren’t they gracious to allow the covid vaccine to be “considered a possible cause … given the temporal association?” Is there any other possible root cause? Anything?
The VAERS report was entered on June 2, 2021 after Brianna’s father’s cousin waited nearly two months for anyone from the hospital to enter a report. She could not wait any longer given the seriousness of the incident and knowing that others might die if the covid vaccine continued without people reporting adverse events, especially the tragic and painful death of such a young woman.
The Brief Report was published on December 5, 2022, a year and a half after the VAERS report. It seems they could not be bothered to look for or ask about a VAERS report. Everyone at the hospital associated with the case had a legal duty to report Brianna’s death to VAERS. They all shirked that duty and it seems that if Brianna’s father’s cousin had not entered the report, then it would not have been entered at all; and such an omission is criminal conduct in violation of law.
These timing related issues in the reports and records are not semantics. The timeline is important to establishing a causal relationship. Six (6) doctors need to explain the meaning of “rare” and the meaning of “possible” and other words used. They damned-well know what killed Brianna and they’re playing word games to stay out of the politics. They swore an oath to heal and do no harm, but their other oath to their paycheck is trumping the safety of the public. They know. And they remain silent, all six of them.
Remember Diane’s causes of death listed above. The prose in the Brief Report of Brianna indicates that thrombocytopenia is a known lethal problem with the covid vaccine - a lethal problem that caused Diane’s death in Massachusetts only two weeks earlier. Yet, 30yo Brianna is dead and her family is devastated. You would think they would pause the covid vaccine after Brianna’s stroke death and Diane’s stroke death within weeks of each other in the same state, but they did not. They (doctors, hospital staff, medical examiner, ALL of THEM) tried to blame covid disease for Brianna’s death, when they know and now we know it was the covid vaccine. How many more cover-ups are there like Diane’s and Brianna’s deaths?
In fact, the Brief Report mentions cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (“CVST”) multiple times as if the authors expected it as a result of covid vaccination. “While this patient did not have CVST, CVST has been previously associated with COVID-19 vaccination where thrombocytopenia is frequent and termed ‘vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia’ (VIPIT).” Again, all six (6) authors know the covid vaccine causes strokes, mostly in women. They know of thrombocytopenia as a “frequent” effect of the covid vaccine. And they know of CVST as an effect of the covid vaccine.
And five weeks later, you will see a 17yo girl died from a CVST also in Massachusetts.
Merrimack Valley girl
Brianna is from a special area of Massachusetts. You have to have grown up there to know what I mean (or have several hundred relatives there as I do - every holiday was a 2.5 hour drive from Connecticut to Haverhill - for Tourtière). Brianna went off to college in New York, but returned home to be part of the community where she was raised. Her obituary claims support for the Bruins and Patriots - not a surprise. And I’m happy to report that Brianna enjoyed more NFL and NHL championships in her short life than an East Rutherford stadium full of New Yorkers. That makes Brianna a winner … and New Yorkers … well, you pick the word. Brianna coached women’s hockey where she taught English at Methuen High School. The obituary states that she was very family-oriented, typical for that area. That means she was loved by all her family and it also means she will be missed by them as well. The grief will never pass for her parents and sister. I cannot explain the anger I feel as I type this and wipe the tears away. Knowing what I know and seeing what I’ve seen since John Jr. died, there is no doubt in my mind that Brian, her father, will embrace Brianna again after this life. He may or may not know it yet. But God is real, His love is everlasting, Brianna is there and not even waiting because there time does not exist beyond this Earthly life. She is and always will be surrounded by all souls of family and friends in God’s presence. God bless the families of Diane, Brianna, and Eden.
And because Diane’s and Brianna’s untimely deaths were not investigated, but instead covered-up, the covid vaccines were still not paused in Massachusetts. Eden was injected May 23, 2021.
Eden Grace MacDonald died at the age of 17yo on June 11, 2021. Her Death Certificate stated:
That’s it. That’s all it states. Just one cause of death. No mention of covid vaccination.
However, someone did enter a VAERS report for a 17yo female the day before Eden died.
Someone involved in Eden’s case followed the law and dutifully reported her case to VAERS, else we would never know that Eden died a stroke death after being injected only 5.5 weeks after Brianna’s stroke death and 9.5 weeks after Diane’s stroke death, all three in the same state of Massachusetts.
Here in Eden’s Death Certificate we see the CVST cause of death mentioned prominently in the Brief Report case study of Brianna. The authors, who apparently expected to see a CVST in Brianna’s case, got a CVST only weeks after Brianna died in the same state cutting short another young life due to the covid vaccine. Again, we would never know about this covid vaccine death from the Death Certificate only, which only lists one cause of death and nothing else.
But for the VAERS record of a 17yo female in Massachusetts, which, beyond reasonable doubt, is Eden’s case, we would not know the level to which the Massachusetts Department Public Health, state medical examiners office, and various attending physicians and surgeons will go in order to cover-up and avoid linkage or attribution of death to the covid vaccines.
Such pervasive and continual omission of the root cause of death cannot simply be negligence. As difficult as this is to believe for most people, there is an enterprise-level criminal conspiracy to cover-up covid vaccine deaths by omitting attribution from death certificates and refusing to enter most records into VAERS except for the few such as Eden’s. Cheers to the author of Eden’s VAERS record. You may have saved many lives by this act in fulfillment of duty.
Now, to explore the VAERS record itself, it is again emotionally difficult to read the happenings. Eden was injected 05/23/2021 and the onset of symptoms is listed as 06/07/2021, fifteen (15) days later. The report date is three (3) days after onset and death is four (4) days after onset, or 19 days after injection. As with many of these VAERS records, the timelines do not match the narratives because of the interpretation of the meaning of “onset of symptoms.” VAERS was purposely designed to be poorly interpeted in to protect pharma manufacturers of vaccines.
Eden “was found down in bathroom,” went to the emergency department, had a CT scan, then an external ventricular drain placed, and continued to decline until death.
The “Current Illness” field is where the timeline can be better inferred. “Headache started around 3 weeks prior to event that delayed dose of second vaccine. Headache was very severe and she saw PCP for it twice and it lasted a week. It then resolved and she got her second vaccine.”
Although this is somewhat confusing the way it was written, we can infer the following facts from the text: 1) Eden received a first dose, 2) Eden then had a headache so severe that she went to her primary care physician twice, 3) Eden’s headache lasted a full week, and 4) when Eden’s headache resolved, she got her second dose of covid vaccination.
Personal story
Eden was loved by her family and will be missed. She was a human being, a child of God, and an innocent in a world of untrustworthy white coats.
As an ordinary citizen, I do not feel right about approaching the family or physician or any medical doctors in the hospital where Eden passed from this world. This is the job of state investigators. State investigators purposely did not do their job apparently, because there was no pause in the covid vaccination campaign that resulted from Eden’s death weeks after Brianna’s and Diane’s stroke deaths. The People deserve to know if any of the doctors believed the covid vaccine was causal, but did not come forward to say so. The People deserve to know if a doctor committed malpractice by injecting Eden with a second dose knowing her reaction to the first dose.
At this point in this article, I don’t know how to explain to readers how so many doctors are this incompetent, willfully blind, reckless, knowing, and complicit in what is nothing less than gross reckless murder, a second degree type of murder.
As mentioned in Scienter, not science found here, the CEOs of three (3) medical boards, who control the board certifications of many physicians in the United States, issued a coercive joint statement found here to every doctor in their database and posted it openly on the web. This joint statement is coercive and warns doctors to not spread misinformation about the covid vaccines else it “may subject a physician to disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of their medical license.” The joint statement also goes on to say that “that such unethical or unprofessional conduct may prompt their respective board to take action that could put their certification at risk.” Given the lack of specificity as to vaccine misinformation, physicians I spoke to err on the side of never saying anything against the vaccine. I know at least two physicians who moved their families out of state because they could not abide by the culture of Massachusetts in covid treatment, both killing people through neglect and refusal to treat with antibiotics during 2020 and then injecting people while knowing that the risks outweigh the benefits.
One of the physicians who moved out of state is the one who pointed me to the joint statement. The coercion is real. There is a chill on doctors to remain quiet, else lose everything they’ve studied for all their lives.
In California, they codified this paradigm into unConstitutional law. The government is now standing between doctor and patient. The government will now imprison a doctor for treating a patient differently than that which is prescribed by a few government doctors on a panel, who bow to an NGO financed by the pharma industry.
Since Massachusetts refused to investigate the covid vaccine stroke deaths of Diane, Brianna, and Eden, others fell victim to the Massachusetts pharma industry oligarchs and politicians. Many more were murdered in Massachusetts since Eden’s death. By my estimate, and I am the only one in the world who has analyzed the Massachusetts database of Death Certificates to any reasonable degree of scrutiny, thousands fell victim to covid vaccines in Massachusetts alone. I back this up on many podcasts, radio, and TV spots seen and heard by more than a million people by now. I will include links near the end.
Approximately 2,700 excess cardiac arrest deaths occurred since covid vaccines were introduced. That’s 2,700 more than expected. Approximately 1,500 excess sudden kidney failure deaths occurred since January 2021, likely from Remdesivir and in part from covid vaccination. Hundreds excess deaths since covid vaccination occurred from cardiac arrhythmia, pulmonary embolism, thrombocytopenia, post hemorrhagic anemia, venous thromboses, and other blood-related acute infarctions and ischemic attacks.
The only reason more deaths are not depicted in detail is because this article must come to a reasonable length end else few will read it. Here is a short list of other suspected covid vaccine deaths since Eden. They would be alive today if proper investigation were done and if doctors were not coerced into silence and if politicians did their jobs. Duty has been thwarted by an enterprise-level conspiracy.
Holly Hodgdon 42yo, wife and mom of two young children
Dan Earley, 37yo, Holly’s brother and only sibling; Dan was also married
Charles Casella 48yo
Abigail Fitzgerald 20yo
Cassidy Baracka 7yo
Preston Settles 15yo
Ian Shumaker 11yo
Laney Ladd 6yo
People in the past week sent me a list of three Massachusetts police officers who died, but who knows why? Covid vaccine deaths have been covered-up so well that most obituaries just state “died unexpectedly” or “died suddenly.” From that, given the enormity of the situation seen in my Death Certificate analyses, one can infer that those deaths were either from covid vaccine or fentanyl.
How many more children and adults must die from these covid vaccines before people wake up and realize that government is not your friend, not your religious leader, not your idol god? Most politicians are very unintelligent beyond bureaucracy and manipulation.
Summary and Action
There are bad people among us. And there are good people among us. Seek good people. Make friends, alliances, bonds. Invest in virtue. Optimize utility toward righteous missions. Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines. And if you see someone there on the sidelines, invite them to play the game. Don’t be the servant to bury his silver. Read here to understand.
Get a few people together or join a group and demand transparency and accountability. One way to do that is demand an independent audit of public health records. I am willing to go to any state that will allow me to correlate their Immunization Information System to their vital records Death Certificate database. If any reasonably sized state allows this to occur in full transparency to the public, then vaccines will be considered what they are, not what they are purported. Let the truth, not the propaganda, determine how people regard each vaccine in its own context of data truth.
Demand legislation that will provide two things: 1) that every death certificate require the dates and types of vaccines given to the decedent within two years of his or her death date, and 2) that the public health department of the state produce semiannual reports of how many people died within 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 3 weeks, 10 weeks, 25 weeks, and 1 year of vaccination. Add other information such as age and gender as needed.
Thank you for reading. Below is the draft Brief Report of Brianna and a link to the published report, which is copyrighted and cannot be pasted into this article. It is very short to read and you should check it out to know what all these doctors know and covered up.
God Bless you all
John 14:6 And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”
Links to some podcasts and media appearances
1) September 28, 2022, Stop Vax Passports (15 minutes) with Frank Gaffney
Starting at 56:45 to 1:11:10 and then 1:33:10 to 1:36:12
2) October 5, 2022, Lindell TV (27 minutes) with Brannon Howse on
3) October 15, 2022, Gigaohm Biological (1h 50m) with Jonathan (JJ) Couey
4) October 16, 2022, Rounding the Earth (2h 7m) with Mathew Crawford
5) Not published
6) (3h 2m) Episode 174.1 with Mark Kulacz
7) October 25, 2022, The Blaze, The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz
Definitive Proof COVID Shots Are Causing Heart, Circulatory, and Cancer Deaths | Guest: John Beaudoin | 10/25/22
8) Liberty Monks Podcast with Mike and James Mundy at
9) December 5, 2022 updated, Massachusetts Death Certificates Show Excess Mortality Could Be Linked to COVID Vaccines, found in The Defender and authored by Madhava Setty
10) November 29, 2022, Live with your brain turned on, Substack with link to video
Brighteon video link,
11) December 2, 2022, CHD TV, I come on at 31:45
![Twitter avatar for @ChildrensHD](
12) December 4, 2022, America Out Loud, My part begins at 24:30 and goes to 40:20
13) November 14, 2022, Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics with Charles Kovess and Stephen Frost, 2:51:43 Wow. A long one.
Brief Report
Fatal Post COVID mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia by Nadia McMillan et al
This was inspiring to read. It was also tragic to read and it must have hurt to write. I am an analyst who has been digging through the publicly available health databases in Canada and am with you in this fight. I wish I could support your Substack but I was fired for reporting on the vaccines harms. No regrets though. I'll be going through the courts next.
Stay strong, stay united, stay awake friends.
And this is not just in the States. Same is happening in Japan where I live. I teach English in universities in Japan. At the start of the panic, I taught at 3 med schools, two nursing schools and two medically related vocational schools and a completely unrelated company. Currently I teach at only one med school, one nursing school and may or may not be asked back at the two vocational schools, don’t know yet. The medical profession is no longer engaged in medicine. They are engaged enforcing compliance and little else. Compliance at all costs. Compliance regardless. Of the consequences. Compliance. My med and nursing students have been required to get the first 3 Pf shots and are offered the 4th and soon the 5th if they choose to get it. Masks are required even for online classes. “Mokushoku” or eating in silence, is the policy at the recently reopened cafeteria on campus with barriers between individual seating. This is the situation now, January 08, 2023. Masking is statistically universal here and has been for 3 years. Despite this, 1/3 of one small class of mine have caught covid after their shots. “Cases” are once again on the rise and may indicate the start of our 9th wave. The one nursing school that continued with in person instruction until they finally interrupted my class to demand I don a mask had the students all masked, don plastic gloves and take spray bottles and paper towels to spray and wipe down their desks and seats before and after each class, repeated again by the next class just minutes after the previous class disinfected these at the conclusion of their lesson.
Over the New Year break, Pf has been running TV ads implying that the path to returning to normal, maskless life is to get their covid shot. Funny, as most here have already gotten at least the first 2 and most 3 or more, yet no one is except from masking “recommendations” except those of us who just choose not to follow them, like me. In fact, getting the vaccine changes little in what what one can or can not do. It has been used as the gate to allow the resumption of some tradition festivals, participants had to provide either proof of 3 shots or 3 days of negative PCR test results. The same is being used for various discount campaigns for travel and hotel stays. Otherwise, getting the shot twice, three times, 4 times or even the now offered 5th allows for nothing that the rare unvaxxed don’t have. It changes nothing. Talk about false advertising. Kids can now get it too and the government is really pushing that they do.
They did not just all fall stupid. There is no explanation other than coordination. As difficult as it is for most to accept that one small state in the US is systematically covering up vaccine deaths, then imagine the difficulty getting most to consider that all of this is going on simultaneously world wide and that the only way this could happen is for coordination across and between the diverse cultures of the globe that has never been seen in human history.