Is it manslaughter or murder?
The Massachusetts Attorney General's Office has notice of criminal conduct
Below is an e-mail exchange between me and the Attorney General’s Office (“AGO”) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I received a request for yet another extension. Each extension is to my benefit because the covid vaccine is falling apart in the eyes of the public. My chances to win are greater every day. However, people are dying every day from this killshot. How can I live with myself if I don’t reject their request for extension until mid-March?
Here is the request received “Jan 27, 2023, 6:24 PM”:
Mr. Beaudoin,
My colleague, AAG xxx xxxxxxx, is unexpectedly out on leave, and I am going to file a motion with the Court seeking an extension until March 14 to respond to your amended complaint. Before filing such a motion, I am required by Local Rule 7.1 to confer with you concerning the relief that I am seeking in the motion (namely, an extension of time).
Could you let me know whether you will agree to my request for an extension until March 14?
xxx xxxxxxx
Deputy Chief, Constitutional & Administrative Law Division
Office of Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell
And here is my e-mail response just moments ago on Jan 30 "2:46 PM”:
Hello Deputy Chief Spector,
Conscience compels me to oppose this extension request. Every day of delay brings more MA citizen deaths.
I will soon seek a TRO to prevent further death and maim to The People of Massachusetts and to afford myself the opportunity to apply to law schools for entrance in the fall 2023.
My amended complaint deleted Counts I-IV leaving only Count V. Thus, the workload to appropriately edit the prior motion to dismiss is near zero, which makes me wonder why March 14 is requested. Lives are at stake.
Below are new cause-of-death graphs in MA relative to circulatory system and blood deaths traced to the covid vaccines.
This email is notice and evidence to an agent in the Attorney General's Office ("AGO"). An AGO agent has a duty to The People to investigate this data and EXHIBIT F immediately for reckless, knowing, or purposeful conduct that caused and is causing death and maim to children and adults in Massachusetts.
Start with the MIIS record of Ian Shumaker, 11yo, died December 3, 2022. When you confirm that the booster killed 11yo Ian from blood clots, found when his heart donation was rejected, then you should proceed to investigate the MIIS records of other people listed in EXHIBIT F of this case. Or read my article "Massachusetts Anecdrokes" found here
Link to article —> Massachusetts Anecdrokes
The article depicts three stroke deaths, in three months, in one state of Massachusetts with onset of symptoms within 24 hours of vaccination and death in a few days. Diane 62yo March 2021, Brianna 30yo April 2021, Eden 17yo June 2021. Six Harvard Medical College and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital doctors authored a "Brief Report" about Brianna. In the report, they named the types of strokes that Diane and Eden died from and noted that these are common with covid vaccines.
Diane 62yo died from an acute intracranial hemorrhage stroke in the setting of thrombocytopenia.
Eden 17yo died from a CVST type of stroke.
This article in Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases mentions these types.
Link to article —> Stroke Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
The TRUTH is out as government turns a blind eye. It is better to get ahead of the story than continue to try to hide the TRUTH as more people die. The Commonwealth was given notice of potential criminal conduct and rampant vaccine deaths on August 23, 2022 through the filing of the original complaint in this matter.
If anything, the AGO should immediately begin a criminal investigation, assent to all prayers for relief, and move to dismiss for mootness without the need to make admissions. The AGO does have this option and should consider it to save lives. This is the best option for the public interest and comports with a balance of harms and equities analysis. Anything less than an immediate, public investigation is a violation of a legal duty to act by state agents.
Additionally, doctors and hospitals in Massachusetts have been killing people with the drug, Remdesivir. I allege that there is knowledge among those prescribing and administering Remdesivir that it has a high likelihood of killing through acute renal failure. Consider this email notice to the AGO of these likely homicides as well. The N17.9 graphs below depict that ~1,800 excess people have been killed by something, likely Remdesivir, through acute renal failure in the past two years; yet doctors still prescribe it because of the EUA financial incentives from the federal government. The EUA of Remdesivir is solicitation of manslaughter or murder.
All TRUTHS will be revealed. Individuals will not have the defense that they were just following orders and your office of the AGO now has notice of these acts.
Hundreds of researchers, PhD's, MD's, and lawyers have all the work that I have done and the methods to achieve it. I am no longer important in this analysis; and I am merely a plaintiff in this case, though I fear retribution for unveiling such a genocide on The People as each of the Massachusetts pharmaceutical industry executives earn [sic] millions to billions of dollars.
I do feel badly that you are the one to be put in the position of receiving this notice; and I am empathetic to the challenges of ethical behavior in the face of management orders and schemes. Please do what is right and just. God is real and He is always watching.
TRUTH is found in John, Chapter 14, Verse 6.
John Paul Beaudoin, Sr.
Below are the graphs that were appended to my return e-mail.
At this point, there is no excuse, no necessity, no justification, no duress that absolve government agents, medical practitioners, or hospital administrators of the crimes of manslaughter or murder. Some have the requisite mental state for manslaughter and others for murder.
Where do we go from here? Government keeps doubling down on lies, disinformation, propaganda, coercion, solicitation and other means by which they want a needle in every arm. Why? The vaccine stopped nothing. They still push it on children for school and sports as some die in agony.
There is only one solution that I see. The United States of America and its sovereign individual States are the only governmental entities that I know of in the world that still have Grand Jury systems.
Rule 6 of the F.R.Cr.P. states:
The Grand Jury
(a) Summoning a Grand Jury.
(1) In General. When the public interest so requires, the court must order that one or more grand juries be summoned. A grand jury must have 16 to 23 members, and the court must order that enough legally qualified persons be summoned to meet this requirement.
“When the public interest so requires, the court must order that one or more grand juries be summoned.”
Rule 6 combined with 18 U.S. Code § 3332 - Powers and duties is one path to justice for the American People.
Other solutions lie in the multitude of state and county grand juries defined in law by each state. Surely there are red state prosecutors, governors, and attorneys general with enough grace and virtue to perform their duties to The People.
Governor Ron DeSantis delivered the greatest action in the past three years for all the American people when he used the power of the Governor of Florida to petition the Florida Court to impanel a statewide Grand Jury to investigate the covid era criminal acts of government, social media, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, medical practitioners, and anyone else the Florida Grand Jury decides to subpoena along with any evidence they deem important and pertinent. The Florida Grand Jury can reach into Washington, DC and subpoena anyone including the little mass murderer, cabinet members, or private citizens.
For those still reading, thank you. We will win. USA will stand. And there will be a Great 1776 Reset.
And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”
~ John 14:6
Another great article! And what a response! 👍🏼👊🏼🙏🏻
Thank you john for fighting ! So Appreciate you stepping up against the tyranny !! I am a nurse that worked through Covid in the ICU In a MAJOR Boston hospital. I saw a lot ~ nothing added up. No Jab and loss Job and my career.