Bobby Bounds received a heavily redacted dataset from the state of Nevada and shared it with me for analysis. We can work with it though. Here is the first cursory analysis. I have not checked my spreadsheet build like I normally do. My time is limited. In other words, I stand behind the math on all prior work, but not this. It’s likely correct, but verification will take some time. I just wanted to get this out there.
Please be patient. There are now several researchers, many with PhD’s, who have access to the death records of a handful of states. We pooled and shared databases. I hope you will see more work from other people very soon.
My book, The Real CdC - COVID Facts for Regular People, is coming along in editing mode and I still hope to ship in November (about 5 months after I originally thought I would ship it).
Here are the first graphs from the Nevada dataset. “Pulmonary embolism” is a clot in your lung that can kill you. The following graphs represent death records of Nevada deaths that include the character string “pulmonary” followed by the character string “embol” in either Part I or Part II of the death records. Please take this as preliminary. There has been no debug yet. I just built these spreadsheet generators quickly today. There could be some glitches in the data or in the formulae that I’ve not yet found.
THIS IS CURSORY - It is for you to ponder, not to use as evidence in a debate or official publication.
All Ages “*pulmonary*embol*”
An externality happened in the last two or three months of 2020. When the externality ended, there was NOT a return to baseline. The summer of 2021 remained elevated with excess deaths involving “pulmonary” followed by “embol”.
Near the end of 2021, there came another seemingly seasonal externality added upon the steady-state continuous excess.
The steady-state excess continued through 2022 and into 2023, though the winter of 2022/2023 barely had a seasonal externality.
Let’s look at age groups.
Ages 85+ “*pulmonary*embol*”
Due to the method of calculation for “Excess” deaths, which is very conservative, there appears to be one super-anomalous deadly year … 2022. However, a projection of 2023 looks to be possibly worse than 2022.
Ages 65-84 “*pulmonary*embol*”
Years 2021 and 2022 appear to be in significant excess.
The peaks and troughs in the waveform graph are both up substantially. That’s a steady-state externality added to a seemingly chaotic signal, though there does seem to be a seasonal externality added in winter time also.
Ages 55-64 “*pulmonary*embol*”
The daily averages are getting very low. The value of the waveform analysis is diminishing.
Please consider that I am in this age group and that all the people I know who took their two shots in 2021 in this age group did not get booster shots beyond the one shot in the fall of 2021. In other words, ages 55-64 whom I know took no shots in 2022.
Very old people I know did take their boosters into 2022.
But I live in Massachusetts. The data in this article is for Nevada. I have no idea what people in Nevada were doing. But there does seem to be a stark change in patterens by year and age. Consider that a disease does not make U-Turns and attack different ages in different years. These patterns seem like an artificially induced externality on different ages at different times. This is not a natural progression of disease.
Ages 45-54 “*pulmonary*embol*”
It doesn’t look like much, but that 28.1% excess in 2021 could be nine (9) moms or dads who aren’t ever coming home to their children again … high school and university graduations with empty seats, melancholy future weddings Mom or Dad will miss.
The waveform graph is nearly useless at these ages. A record-level inspection is required by the Nevada government. Why are there so many excess PE deaths?
The government of Nevada has a legal duty to investigate and determine what is affecting the public health so negatively as to kill people by PE’s.
Sorry I cannot do a more thorough job right now. I hope more people pick up on these methods and analyses. It’s clear to me there is a problem and it started in 2021.
Now, I have to get back to The CDC Memorandum, which will, hopefully, be completed by the end of the week.
God bless you all.
good friend died of PE, about 3 months after jab 2.
He was 74 and in really good health.
Thank you, and thank you also to Brian Bounds.