Death Certificates Confirm VAERS Reports - CDC & MA DPH Covered Up Vax Deaths
CDC & MA DPH Covered-Up Vaccine-Caused Deaths
My friend, Aaron Hertzberg recently alleged in a Brownstone article that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) committed fraud on Death Certificates. Self-described fact checkers demanded more evidence. Mr. Hertzberg provided an article on methodology. The self-described fact checkers retreated into the shadows from whence they dwell.
Mr. Hertzberg encouraged me to follow-up with an article further evincing fraud committed by government agencies including the CDC and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH). I’m right beside Mr. Hertzberg in alleging that the CDC and MA DPH committed fraud. In fact, my allegations against MA DPH are sworn to under penalties of perjury in U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts in the case Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022), originally filed on August 23, 2022. The First Amended Complaint and EXHIBIT F filed January 2023 can be found here.
EXHIBIT F from Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022) was compiled a year ago and comprises 123 pages of documented misrepresentations. The MA DPH has had ten (10) months since notification (by court summons) to correct any mistakes in Death Certificates, but chose to make no changes and denied any wrongdoing. Such knowledge, combined with the acts of misrepresentation, now comprises criminal fraud.
New Jersey (NJ), New York (NY), and Massachusetts (MA) are home to some of the world’s most influential pharmaceutical-involved bureaucrats, politicians, and industry executives. For any U.S. State or nation with a population greater than three million (3M), these three (3) states drove the USA panic as the greatest number of purported covid deaths in the world in the first months of the covid pandemic.
Notice in the table below that by July 27, 2020, Massachusetts was nearly 50% greater than the 4th ranked sovereign, Belgium. Clearly, NJ, NY, and MA drove covid fear and hysteria worldwide even when people thought they were looking at USA as a whole.
Will you believe that Massachusetts grossly inflated covid deaths in anticipation of collecting a boon in federal funds from the CARES Act and FEMA? Is it a coincidence that Moderna and the Pfizer division responsible for these vaccines are headquartered in Massachusetts?
The Massachusetts all-cause deaths graph below depicts clearly that the pandemic lasted only about nine (9) weeks from mid-March to mid-June 2020. The orders to mask, social distance, and others were mostly enacted halfway down the backside of the gray line 9-week pandemic. id est, the government measures had nothing to do with covid turning off like a switch before the summer of 2020.
Compelling evidence will not come from Pfizer trials, research papers, cohorts, peer review, or medical journals. The Pfizer and Moderna trial data is valuable for future criminal trials they will hopefully one day face. In the meantime, more than one hundred million (>100M) people were covid vaccinated in USA and our governments are hoarding and hiding the results of this species-level experiment.
The best primary evidence comes from your family, your neighbors, and from the morgue. No trial data should be valued on its own. Individual record inspection is required to understand the veracity and integrity of any epidemiological data.
American economist Roland G. Fryer Jr. is proof that academicians are still capable of producing whole and robust bodies of work in this millennium. Fryer employs exhaustive top-down investigation techniques. Fryer is the real deal in methodology. I respect him and the few robust thinkers there are now in academia. Like others, Fryer collects and aggregates data at a higher level of abstraction to test his hypothesis. However, he does not stop there. He then selects samples of people who represent the individual datapoints; and interviews them to learn of any externality or intervening cause that might have systemically corrupted the data. In other words, he interviews some of the respondents to learn why they answered questions as they did. This lower level of abstraction verifies and substantiates what the higher level data represents after aggregation into tables and graphs.
This article brings to the reader the lowest level of abstraction manifest in individual records. This is what is missing in most covid and covid gene therapy studies using CDC data. CDC’s de-identified records and bundling of data prevent researchers from being able to test the data across variables at the record level. Thus, the truth is buried through Simpson’s paradoxes and is hidden from the public.
This obfuscation of signals and the need for record-level source data (RLSD) is why I sought the Death Certificate database from Massachusetts in February 2022. And I employed the top-down methods of Fryer to examine the data through all levels of abstraction.
Every Death Certificate is not a perfect factual representation of a decedent. Death Certificates represent the causes of death of a decedent. And Death Certificates represent the behavior, custom, practice, and sometimes the mood of the death certifier. Death Certificates are often misrepresentations, whether intentional or mistake. Individual record inspection can produce the truth where truth was hidden in higher abstractions of data.
The Evidence
Evidence shows that 1) covid deaths were extraordinarily exaggerated through fraud on public records, 2) covid vaccine deaths were covered-up and purposely ignored as a matter of solicited custom and practice, and 3) excess deaths in 2020 versus 2021 depict completely different symptom spectrum profiles, age spectrum profiles, and seasonality profiles, which all changed when covid vaccination began. Long covid, while it may exist, is not responsible for the thousands of post-vaccination deaths and maim that occurred in Massachusetts.
“Accidental” Deaths
In years 2020-2022, Massachusetts Vital Records (Death Certificates) contain two hundred seven (207) records listing “Accident” as a “MANNER” of death and listing “U07.1,” the ICD-10 code representing “COVID-19,” as a cause of death or condition contributing to death.
To be thorough, a few of these “Accidental” deaths are decedents who were in accidents years ago, but succumbed to death only recently, likely due to covid or some respiratory illness from being sedentary. This is not the case in many where there were no covid symptoms and the decedents simply tested positive after passing.
In the four (4) 2020 record samples below, notice that all four (4) died by acute fentanyl overdose in Part I and that there are no respiratory ICD-10 codes (“J” codes) or any association with symptoms normal to covid.
Notice also that the last example in this block simply references a “… POSITIVE CULTURE” and not any symptoms or causes normal to covid.
To show that this misrepresentation is not only a custom and usage behavior of death certifiers in the first (1st) wave in 2020, below are 2021 Death Certificate records showing the same issue of fraud by including covid as a cause of death when it likely had no causal relationship to death.
Two (2) of the Medical Examiners listed in the tables above are defendants in Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022). Death Certificates certified by Robert Welton and Janice Grivetti were inspected individually.
Example: Janice Grivetti
Below is Page 9 from EXHIBIT F summarizing and referencing deaths certified by defendant Medical Examiner Janice Grivetti. Grivetti certified twenty-one (21) deaths using U07.1 “COVID-19.” The list of other causes and contributing conditions on those Death Certificates includes mostly non-respiratory issues, most of which have nothing to do with covid. One could argue that the percentage of covid deaths certified by Grivetti that had any causal relation to covid was 2 out of 21, or 9.5%.
A quick look at just two Deaths Certificates below show traumatic injuries leading to death. The top one is of a 97-year-old woman who died from “MULTIPLE TRAUMATIC INJURIES” and simply expressed “COVID POSITIVITY AT MASS GENERAL HOSPITAL.” These are the types of deaths that Massachusetts led the world to believe was a killer disease. If you want a video review of covid deaths certified by Janice Grivetti, you can find a review of each record here.
“vaccin” Deaths
In a search of the character string “vaccin” in Part I (causes of death) and Part II (conditions contributing to death) on Death Certificates, several records came to light. Filtering out those that stated “NOT VACCINATED” and “UNVACCINATED” left nine (9) records. EXHIBIT F Page 5 of Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022) is the summary of that list and is shown below.
In Massachusetts, only the Death Certificate of Solomon age 60 SFN_NUMBER 11199 contains ICD-10 codes Y59.0 “Viral vaccines” and T88.1 “Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified.” The CDC stated twice by e-mail found in this article and this article that those two (2) ICD-10 codes are not employed unless the word “vaccine” is accompanied by “side effect of” or “adverse effect of.”
The somewhat incoherent e-mail from Kristen of the CDC also tried to differentiate between the use of the word “vaccine” versus “vaccination” where only the former would be coded with Y59.0 or T88.1.
The e-mails from the CDC, at the very least, indicate recklessness, if not purposeful intent to deceive. Any reasonable person (a legal standard) would believe that the death certifier intended to call out the vaccine as a cause of death. Even after being alerted to this omission, the CDC is refusing to correct the Death Certificates and is gaslighting the recipients of their ridiculous e-mail responses.
Clearly, the CDC tailored their e-mail responses to the Minnesota Death Certificates highlighted by Mr. Hertzberg in his original article found here; and did not realize that we have the Massachusetts Death Certificates that show the CDC’s e-mail responses to be additional falsities, or misrepresentations.
The excuses, written in e-mails from the CDC in response to Mr. Hertzberg’s article, are proven falsities by the evidence from the Massachusetts Death Certificates. Solomon’s Death Certificate SFN 11199 listed at the top of the above table is evidence that the CDC does
use codes Y59.0 and T88.1 for the use of the word “vaccination” and
use codes Y59.0 and T88.1 even without the presence of “side effect of” or “adverse effect of.”
Clearly, the CDC, in their express written statements of excuse, prevaricated, yet again culminating in felony fraud, which is a predicate for involuntary manslaughter and perhaps felony murder. But this article will stick to the fraud discussion.
Further, note in the table above that eight (8) other Death Certificate records from Massachusetts mention “vaccine” or “vaccination” in a context obvious to any reasonable person that the death certifier wished for the vaccine to be recorded as a cause of death or a contributing condition leading to death. ICD-10 codes for vaccination or immunization were omitted despite the death certifier expressing them in official writings
You decide if the eight (8) deaths should have been coded for vaccine or immunization harm using codes Y59.0, T88.1, Y59.9 “Vaccine or biological substance, unspecified,” or T80.8 “Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection” to name but a few.
Regarding SFN 14456 in 2022, the onset of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) was shortly after vaccination, which was five (5) months before death. GBS is a known side effect of vaccinations, in general, including covid vaccines. It takes time for mental function to deteriorate to the point of death. Five (5) months of deterioration time occurred in this case.
Regarding SFN 20283 in 2021, a 59-year-old woman died from Cardiac Arrhythmia. The death certifier also included the expression “COVID-19 VACCINE” in “2 DAYS.” Characters in quotation marks are verbatim from the Death Certificate. You decide if the death certifier wished to make a causal attribution to covid vaccination, which is known to cause arrhythmia.
Regarding SFN 25261 in 2021, a 60-year-old man died from Cardiac Arrhythmia. The death certifier also included the expression “RECENT COVID-19 VACCINE ON DATE OF DEATH.” Do you believe that the death certifier intended for the CDC to code this death as a vaccine caused death? These are matters of fact for a jury to decide despite anything the CDC states after the fact. Any reasonable person would find that the CDC is at least reckless, if not purposeful, in omitting Y59.x and T88.x on this man’s Death Certificate. Fraud indeed occurred. Contemplate “… ON DATE OF DEATH!!!”
Please note the 62-year-old woman, Diane, SFN 15403 in 2021, who died from a hemorrhagic stroke in the setting of thrombocytopenia eleven (11) days after covid vaccination. Diane’s record is explored below as one of the three (3) strokes in (3) months in one (1) state.
VAERS Records Correlated
In other alleged acts of fraud, the death certifiers in Massachusetts did not mention covid vaccines or vaccination on some Death Certificates despite the death certifiers likely knowing that the decedent reacted to a covid vaccine in minutes or hours and died within days. The causes of these deaths are known as relatively frequent side effects of covid vaccines. A few of the VAERS reports correlated to Death Certificates detailed throughout EXHIBIT F are summarized on Page 4 of EXHIBIT F shown below.
First peruse the list in the table above that pertains only to Massachusetts. Then consider the plausibility and absurdity of the CDC’s following statement by e-mail in context of the above list.
“COVID-19 vaccines are undergoing the most intense safety monitoring in U.S. history. To date, CDC has not detected any unusual or unexpected patterns for deaths following immunization that would indicate that COVID vaccines are causing or contributing to deaths, outside of the nine confirmed TTS deaths following the Janssen vaccine.”
Deliberate indifference is a legal standard for many federal felony convictions. It means the conscious or reckless disregard for the consequences of one’s actions (commissions) or inaction (omission).
SFN 23618 above died from Cardiac arrest after reacting in five (5) minutes from his covid vaccination. He was a 69-year-old old male. That man obviously didn’t make it out of clinic.
Notice the pattern in the causes column on the right. They nearly all relate to the blood and circulatory system. The heart, brain, and lungs are the most immediately affected by clots and bleeds; and we know these covid vaccines cause clots and bleeds.
People died in hours to a day or two (2) after vaccination from what appears to be similar mechanisms of action in the body, yet the Massachusetts death certifiers did not call out “vaccine” or “vaccination” on these Death Certificates. EXHIBIT F shows strong evidence of many more deaths extremely liked to have been caused by covid vaccines.
A 47-year-old man had onset of symptoms in one (1) day and died from a heart attack. A 52-year-old man died from a hemorrhage with onset in one (1) day after vaccination. Most records on the list state one (1) or two (2) days. These people are not elderly like most covid deaths. Many of these people lost ten to thirty (10-30) years off their lives. They have children and families left behind.
Double Fraud
Many Massachusetts citizens died with onset of symptoms in minutes to hours after vaccination and death in days, but were labeled as covid deaths with no mention of a covid vaccine as a cause or contributing condition of death. This is both fraud of commission for writing covid as a cause of death and fraud of omission for omitting the true, actual, and proximate cause being a covid vaccine.
Cassidy SFN 5980 of 2022 was 7-years-old when she died on January 18, 2022. Her Death Certificate only states one cause in Part I Cause A. “COMPLICATIONS OF CORONAVIRUS-19 VIRAL INFECTION.” Part II contributing conditions does mention fungal and bacterial pleuritis and asthma. There is no mention of a covid vaccine.
There is a record VAERS_ID 2038120 of a 7-year-old girl from Massachusetts entered on January 15, 2022. The VAX_DATE is listed as January 13, 2021, which is an obvious mistake for the year as most people forget to write the new year for a few weeks. Children were not being vaccinated for covid in early January 2021 and someone from Cassidy’s town told me personally that the covid vaccine clinic bus was in front of her school around mid-January 2022. He knew because he has a child in the same school. The SYMPTOM_TEXT from the VAERS report states,
Spiked a 103 fever, severe stomachache, has not had a bowel movement since the day before vaccination, which makes today 3 days without one. First vaccine caused severe nausea and vomiting from 5minutes post injection and for the next 8-10 hours.
One of the Prayers for Relief that I seek from the U.S. District Court as part of my lawsuit against Massachusetts is to know the vaccination date of Cassidy. A Public Records Request for this information was denied. A reasonable person already knows the answer to this question, but The Commonwealth of Massachusetts needs to expressly state it. The People need to hear it en masse so they can make an informed decision and be safe from lethal injections, pushed on children by The Commonwealth. On July 26, 2023, there are hearings on several House bills The Commonwealth plans on passing to require child vaccinations despite a list of dead children and adults they refuse to investigate or acknowledge.
Charles SFN 56611 of 2021 was 48-years-old when he was told by Bose Corporation that he had to take a covid vaccination, else be sacked and unemployed. I am told by a friend that he did not want to get a covid vaccination. On the day before he would be terminated, I am told by his friend that Charles relented and took the covid vaccine into his arm. Charles was found in bed dead the next morning. Charles’ Death Certificate only mentions “COVID-19” in Cause A of Part I and “OBESITY” in Part II Conditions Contributing to death. Note that this did not say, “MORBID OBESITY,” which is a different standard. By the evidence, Charles died within 24 hours of his covid vaccination.
If you have a clot in your lung, it is called a pulmonary embolism for which there are two (2) ICD-10 codes. If you have a clot in your brain, there are at least thirty (>30) different ICD-10 codes with prefixes “G” representing nervous system and “I” representing circulatory system:
G08 Intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
G45 Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes
G46 Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases
I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage
I62 Other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage
I63 Cerebral infarction
I64 Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction
The plethora of ICD-10 codes used for stroke made it difficult to gather data on strokes caused by covid vaccines when compared to the low-hanging fruit of heart, lung, blood, and lymph deaths that are showcased in my earlier articles found at Nonetheless, stroke is a common and awful effect caused by covid vaccines.
Diane Claire Dubois (Guerette) died at the age of 62yo on March 18, 2021. Her Death Certificate stated the following:
Notice there are three (3) causes listed in the narrative fields, but only two (2) in the ICD-10 codes. The hemorrhage and thrombocytopenia were coded. The covid vaccination was not coded as a cause of death despite it being the likely root cause of death, or Underlying Cause of Death (UCOD). I allege that this is a fraud of omission by the CDC. The death certifier clearly wanted the public to know that a covid vaccine was causally related. The CDC omitted any code for vaccines, then stood by their omission in the kerfuffle over Minnesota Death Certificates with their e-mail statement that is again refuted by Diane’s Death Certificate in Massachusetts. Might we appropriately rename them the Centers for Prevarication and Falsities?
The ICD-10 code omission may have initially been a mistake. However, Complaint for injunctive and declaratory relief BEAUDOIN v BAKER et al (2022), Docket No. 1:22-cv-11356-NMG, filed August 23, 2022, serves as notice to the medical examiner, Chief Medical Examiner, Commissioner of Public Health, and Governor of Massachusetts. More than ten (10) months have passed since notice was given through the filing of the complaint. Diane’s Death Certificate should have been corrected to reflect the true UCOD being “COVID 19 VACCINATION” or at least be mentioned as a cause or contributing condition.
Given the importance of the matter (vaccine as a cause being a material fact), notice given, reasonable time having passed, and the inaction of both the MA DPH and CDC to correct Diane’s Death Certificate, this now comprises blatant and overt criminal felony fraud on a public record.
Another reason this record is important is because the CODI(X) fields evince knowledge that the vaccine was causal. Inaction of investigation after death and concurrent with a legal duty to act comprises criminally reckless conduct. The public relies on the Department of Public Health to keep us safe from bad drugs and procedures that cause such horrendously painful death as our brains blowing apart in our skulls, or hemorrhagic stroke.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (“VAERS”) is a battlefield between factions. Pro-covid-vax people say that events are not under-reported in VAERS and that VAERS cannot be trusted because anyone can input a record. As shown in EXHIBIT H of BEAUDOIN v BAKER et al (2022), HHS and CDC purposely derogated their own pharmacovigilance system on social media. EXHIBIT H is built from FOIA responses to the requests of America First Legal found here. The VAERS system was put in place for the safety of the public and to track possible vaccine injuries.
To reiterate this important point, it appears that HHS, which oversees the VAERS system, and according to the FOIA responses obtained by American First Legal, instructed their agents to coach social media and others to publicly speak derogatorily about VAERS for the purpose of lessening the credibility of VAERS in the eyes of the public. This is pure propaganda perpetrated by the government on The People.
Diane Dubois’s covid vaccine death seems to not have been reported to VAERS. The medical examiner, Dr. Julie Hull, one of the named defendants in Beaudoin v Baker et al (2022), knew the covid vaccine was involved in the death because she expressed such in the CODIB field. Note the absence of an ICD-10 code representing vaccination. According to the VAERS web page, Dr. Hull has a duty, as does every other doctor, nurse, or administrator, to ensure Diane’s covid vaccine-associated death is reported to VAERS. Here is some of the text from
… healthcare providers must report any additional selected AEs and/or any revised safety reporting requirements per FDA's conditions of authorized use of vaccine(s) throughout the duration of any COVID-19 vaccine's Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or any approved COVID-19 vaccine …
There is no Death Certificate of a 62yo woman from Massachusetts listed in VAERS in 2021. This is one record-level investigation result evincing a failed system. The Death Certificate is incomplete and the VAERS record does not exist.
Cuisine québécoise
Diane is obviously what we called “French-Canadian” when I was growing up. I know better now. We are québécois. Someone wrote nice memories about Diane in her obituary. She was a mother and grandmother and was truly loved by friends and family. One interesting thing that caught my eye was the term “French Meat Stuffing.” I still have this every Thanksgiving. My grandfather, René Thibault, taught my mother, Dotty, and she taught my sister, Margot. Growing up, whatever bread became stale throughout the year was put into a bag and into the bread drawer without closing the lid. Every year growing up, just before Thanksgiving, I would take out the grinder, clamp it to the table, and grind all the stale bread into breadcrumbs to be used in what my family just called “Stuffing.” If any québécois are reading this, then let’s be authentic and call it what it is or what it was derived from … Tourtière. If you look it up, you won’t find my family’s recipe. And I doubt you will find Diane’s recipe. However, there is no doubt that Diane’s family loved having her French Meat Stuffing at Thanksgiving every year. I’m so sorry they will miss Diane each Thanksgiving and I hope they carry on the French Meat Stuffing tradition in her memory as we do in my mom’s, Dotty’s, memory.
And because Diane’s untimely death was not investigated, but instead covered-up, the covid vaccines were not paused in Massachusetts and Brianna was injected March 30, 2021.
Brianna Mary McCarthy died at the age of 30yo on April 15, 2021. Her Death Certificate stated:
Brianna was a young high school English teacher and took her Methuen Public Schools mandated covid vaccine twelve (12) days after Diane died from a stroke shortly after being covid vaccinated. See local news paper covid vaccine announcement here.
Here is the pertinent information from the VAERS report representing Brianna’s adverse event.
Brianna’s story requires investigation because the conflicting information does not appear to be mere mistake.
In addition to the Death Certificate and VAERS record, Brianna’s information is sourced from a Brief Report entitled, Fatal Post COVID mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia by McMillan, N. et al published December 5, 2022 in The Neurohospitalist Society also found here. The six (6) authors of this report are associated with Harvard Medical College and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Massachusetts.
The indisputable facts clearly demonstrate that 1) a covid vaccine caused stroke death, 2) no mention of vaccine is on the Death Certificate, and 3) covid is fraudulently listed as the UCOD on the Death Certificate.
All reports agree that onset of severe headache occurred within 24 hours and that Brianna died from a stroke.
My analyses of Massachusetts Death Certificates in articles such as Mors ex cruentum sanguinem found here and C19 “vaccine” - the cause of causes found here indicate clots and bleeds leading to heart deaths, thromboembolic deaths, and other blood related deaths began en masse in 2021 and amount to over four thousand (>4,000) excess blood system deaths in Massachusetts alone since the covid vaccines were introduced.
Clearly, Brianna is a covid vaccine death. The Brief Report states,
The diffuse endothelial damage and vessel wall inflammation seen on pathology suggests an underlying pro-thrombotic state triggered by recent COVID-vaccination.
The Brief Report includes the statement above, but adds,
In summary, administration of COVID-19 vaccine was considered a possible cause of the extensive multifocal arterial thromboses with associated inflammatory response and elevated intracranial pressure given the temporal association.
Aren’t they gracious to allow the covid vaccine to be “considered a possible cause … given the temporal association?” Is there any other possible root cause? Anything?
The VAERS report was entered on June 2, 2021 after Brianna’s father’s cousin waited nearly two (2) months for anyone from the hospital to enter a report. She could not wait any longer given the seriousness of the incident. She knew that others might die if people did not report adverse events and the covid vaccine continued to be recommended.
The Brief Report was published on December 5, 2022, a year and a half after the VAERS report. It seems they could not be bothered to look for or ask about a VAERS report. Everyone at the hospital associated with the case had a legal duty to report Brianna’s death to VAERS. They all shirked that duty and it seems that if Brianna’s father’s cousin had not entered the report, then it would not have been entered at all; and such an omission is criminal conduct in deliberate indifference to life.
Six (6) doctors need to explain the meaning of “rare” and the meaning of “possible” and other words used. They damned-well know what killed Brianna and they’re playing word games to stay out of the politics. They swore an oath to heal and do no harm. However, their other oath, the one to their paycheck, is trumping the first one and jeopardizing the safety of the public. They know. And they remain quiet, all six of them.
Remember Diane’s causes of death listed above. The prose in the Brief Report of Brianna indicates that thrombocytopenia is known lethal problem with covid vaccines - a lethal problem that caused Diane’s death in Massachusetts only two (2) weeks before Brianna was injected. Yet, 30yo Brianna is dead and her family is devastated. You would think they would pause the covid vaccine after Brianna’s stroke death and Diane’s stroke death within weeks of each other in the same state. But they did not. They (doctors, hospital staff, medical examiner, ALL of THEM) tried to blame covid disease for Brianna’s stroke death, when they know, and now we know, it was the covid vaccine. How many more cover-ups are there like Diane’s and Brianna’s deaths?
In fact, the Brief Report mentions cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (“CVST”) multiple times as if the authors expected it as a result of covid vaccination.
While this patient did not have CVST, CVST has been previously associated with COVID-19 vaccination where thrombocytopenia is frequent and termed ‘vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia’ (VIPIT).
Again, all six (6) authors know the covid vaccine causes strokes, mostly in women. They know that thrombocytopenia is an effect of covid vaccines. And they know that CVST is an effect of covid vaccines.
And five (5) weeks after Brianna died, a 17yo girl died from a CVST, also in Massachusetts and only about twenty (~20) miles away from Brianna. Her name is Eden and her story follows the personal reflection on Brianna.
To summarize, MA DPH committed fraud of omission for omitting the vaccine as a cause on the death certificate and fraud of commission for including covid as a cause of death. The asymptomatic covid diagnosis was simply a positive test four (4) months earlier. The reaction to the vaccine was in hours.
Merrimack Valley girl
Brianna is from a special area of Massachusetts. You have to have grown up there to know what I mean (or have several hundred relatives there as I do - every holiday was a 2.5 hour drive from Connecticut to Haverhill - for Tourtière). Brianna went off to college in New York, but returned home to be part of the community where she was raised. Her obituary claims support for the Bruins and Patriots - not a surprise. And I’m happy to report that Brianna enjoyed more NFL and NHL championships in her short life than an East Rutherford stadium full of New Yorkers. That makes Brianna a winner and New Yorkers … well, you pick the word. Brianna coached women’s hockey where she taught English at Methuen High School. The obituary states that she was very family-oriented, typical for that area. That means she was loved by all her family and it also means she will be missed by them as well. The grief will never pass for her parents and sister. I cannot explain the anger I feel as I type this and wipe the tears away. Knowing what I know and seeing what I’ve seen since John Jr. died, there is no doubt in my mind that Brian, her father, will embrace Brianna again after this life. He may or may not know it yet. But God is real, His love is everlasting, Brianna is there and not even waiting because there time does not exist beyond this Earthly life. She is and always will be surrounded by all souls of family and friends in God’s presence. God bless the families of Diane, Brianna, and Eden.
And because Diane’s and Brianna’s untimely deaths were not investigated, but instead covered-up, the covid vaccines were still not paused in Massachusetts. Eden was injected May 23, 2021.
Eden Grace MacDonald died at the age of 17yo on June 11, 2021. Her Death Certificate stated:
That’s it. That’s all it states. Just one cause of death. No mention of covid vaccination.
However, someone did enter a VAERS report for a 17yo female the day before Eden died.
Someone involved in Eden’s case followed the law and dutifully reported her case to VAERS, else we would never know that Eden died a hemorrhagic stroke death after being injected only 5.5 weeks after Brianna’s ischemic stroke death and 9.5 weeks after Diane’s hemorrhagic stroke death, all three in the same state of Massachusetts.
Eden’s Death Certificate calls out a CVST cause of death, which is mentioned prominently in the Brief Report case study of Brianna. The authors, who apparently expected to see a CVST in Brianna’s case, should have noticed a CVST, if they looked in VAERS, only weeks after Brianna died in the same state. Another young life was cut short due to a covid vaccine. Again, we would never know about this covid vaccine death from the Death Certificate, which only lists one cause of death and nothing else.
But for the VAERS record of a 17yo female in Massachusetts, which, beyond reasonable doubt, is Eden’s case, we would not know the level to which the MA DPH, state medical examiners office, and various attending physicians and surgeons will go in order to cover-up and avoid linkage or attribution of death to covid vaccines.
Such pervasive and continual omission of the root cause of death cannot simply be negligence. As difficult as this is to believe for most people, there is an enterprise-level criminal conspiracy to cover-up covid vaccine deaths by omitting attribution to covid vaccines expressed in death certificates and by refusing to enter most records into VAERS except for the few such as Eden’s. Cheers to the author of Eden’s VAERS record. That person may have saved many lives by this act in compliance with duty.
To explore the VAERS record itself is again emotionally difficult. Eden was injected 05/23/2021 and the onset of symptoms is listed as 06/07/2021, fifteen (15) days later. The report date was three (3) days after onset; and death was four (4) days after onset, or 19 days after injection. As with many of these VAERS records, the timelines do not match the narratives because of the interpretation of the meaning of “onset of symptoms.”
Eden “was found down in bathroom,” went to the emergency department, had a CT scan, then an external ventricular drain placed, and she continued to decline until death.
The “Current Illness” field is where the timeline can be better inferred.
Headache started around 3 weeks prior to event that delayed dose of second vaccine. Headache was very severe and she saw PCP for it twice and it lasted a week. It then resolved and she got her second vaccine.
Although this is somewhat confusing the way it was written, we can infer the following facts and timeline: 1) Eden received a first dose, 2) Eden then had a headache so severe that she went to her primary care physician twice (2X), 3) Eden’s headache lasted a full week, and 4) when Eden’s headache resolved, she got her second (2nd) dose of covid vaccine that killed her by hemorrhagic stroke.
As an ordinary citizen journalist, I do not feel right about approaching the family or physician or any medical doctors in the hospital where Eden passed from this world. This is the job of state investigators, who did not do their job. The People deserve to know if any of the doctors believed a covid vaccine was causal in Eden’s death, but did not come forward to say so. The People deserve to know if a doctor committed malpractice by injecting Eden with a second (2nd) dose knowing her reaction from the first (1st) dose.
At this point in this article, I don’t know how to explain to readers how so many doctors are this incompetent, willfully blind, reckless, knowing, and complicit in what is nothing less than gross reckless murder, a second degree type of murder.
As mentioned in Scienter, not science found here , the CEOs of three (3) medical boards, who control the board certifications of many physicians in the United States, sent a coercive letter to every doctor in their database and posted an open letter on the web. This letter is coercive and warns doctors to not spread misinformation about covid vaccines else they may have their board certifications suspended or revoked. The letter can be found here.
Given the lack of specificity as to the meaning of “vaccine misinformation,” physicians I spoke to said they err on the side of never saying anything against the vaccine. I know at least two (2) physicians who moved their families out of Massachusetts because they could not abide by the medical treatment culture of Massachusetts. In covid treatment, people were killed through neglect and refusal to treat with antibiotics during 2020, then doctors and nurses were injecting people with experimental gene therapies in 2021 and 2022, some of whom did it while knowing that the risk outweighs the benefit.
Personal story
Eden was loved by her family and will be missed. She was a human being, a child of God, and an innocent in a world of untrustworthy white coats.
Since Massachusetts refused to investigate the covid vaccine stroke deaths of Diane, Brianna, and Eden, others have fallen victim to the Massachusetts pharmaceutical industry oligarchs and politicians. Many more were murdered in Massachusetts alone.
By my estimate, having analyzed the Massachusetts database of Death Certificates to a great degree of scrutiny, more than four thousand (>4,000) people in Massachusetts died due to covid vaccines.
Approximately 3,000 excess cardiac arrest deaths occurred since covid vaccines were introduced. That’s 3,000 more than expected. Approximately 2,000 sudden kidney failure deaths occurred since November 2020, likely from Remdesivir and in part from covid vaccination. Hundreds of excess deaths involving cardiac arrhythmia, pulmonary embolism, thrombocytopenia, post hemorrhagic anemia, venous thromboses, other blood-related acute infarctions and ischemic attacks, lymph and marrow cancers occurred in Massachusetts due to covid vaccines.
The only reason more deaths are not depicted in detail is because this article must come to a reasonable end.
How many more children and adults must die from these covid vaccines before people wake up and realize that government is not your friend, not your religious leader, not your idol god? Most politicians are very unintelligent beyond bureaucracy and manipulation.
Summary and Action
There are bad people among us. And there are good people among us. Seek good people. Make friends, alliances, bonds. Invest in virtue. Optimize utility toward righteous missions. Now is not the time to sit on the sidelines. And if you see someone there on the sidelines, invite them to be on the side of righteousness. Don’t be the servant to bury his silver. Read here to understand the reference.
Get a few people together or join a group and demand transparency and accountability. One way to do that is demand an independent audit of public health records. I am willing to go to any state that will allow me to correlate their Immunization Information System to their vital records Death Certificate database. If any reasonably sized state allows this to occur in full transparency to the public, then vaccines will be considered what they are, not what they are purported to be. Let the truth, not propaganda, determine how people regard vaccines.
Demand legislation that will provide two things: 1) that every death certificate require the dates and types of vaccines given to the decedent within two (2) years of his or her death date, and 2) that the public health department of the state produce semiannual reports of how many people died within 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 3 weeks, 10 weeks, 25 weeks, and 1 year of vaccination. Add other information such as age, gender et al.
Beyond reasonable doubt, this article evinces massive fraud perpetrated on The People by the CDC and MA DPH, especially with regard to the overcounting of covid deaths and the cover-up of covid vaccine deaths. Mr. Hertzberg has my full support in calling out the CDC for fraud.
God Bless you all
John 14:6 And Jesus answered, “I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.”
Reading all of this makes me sick. I’m angry, sad and disgusted. Thank you for telling the truth. I cannot fathom how much time you have spent on this. I’m going to reread it... so much information.
Such thorough, labor intensive work. Thank You for your effort at exposing this fraud, John. I'm surprised no other state has requested your services. Lack of courage I guess?