The table below is built from the official Massachusetts Department of Public Health database of Death Certificates for years 2015 through March of 2022. The 2022 records still have “pending” for many causes of death. Thus, any given cause can only get worse, not better because total deaths (denominator) is correct, while the causes (numerators) are often “pending” and empty. Also, there is an excess of ~1,000 records in 2021 for which causes are pending. Thus, 2021 numbers also can only get worse, not better, as records are completed over time.
U071 represents any “COVID-19” involved death
I469 represents any “Cardiac arrest, unspecified” involved death
I269 represents any “Pulmonary embolism without mention of acute cor pulmonale” involved death
C1&C2 represents deaths involving both U071 & I469
C1&C3 represents deaths involving both U071 & I269
C2&C3 represents deaths involving both I469 & I269
C1&C2&C3 represents deaths involving all three ICD-10 codes
The percentages (%’s) in each cell represent the percent of total deaths each year that each cause contributes.
Average age of all-cause deaths 2015-2022 { 75.7, 75.4, 75.6, 75.7, 75.8, 76.2, 75.0, 75.8 }. 2021 is lower than the mid-75’s expected from prior years. 2020 is high as expected. Why is 2021 so low?
Average age of “U071” C19-involved deaths 2020-2022 { 81.3, 76.0, 76.0 }. The same people who survived C19 in 2020 through avoidance, immunity, or recovery died at much younger ages in 2021 and 2022. This is difficult to justify.
“U071” C19-involved percentage of all-cause deaths was 14.81% in 2020 and only 8.62% in 2021, and then jumps to 12.44% in 2022. Remember 2022 can only get bigger after “pending” records are completed. All-cause deaths were high at 63,893 in 2021. Why were there so few C19-involved deaths as a percentage of all-cause in 2021? If the C19 vaccine worked in 2021, why is all-cause so high? And what is happening in 2022? From Scienter, not science found here, it is known there was much fraud in Massachusetts regarding usage of “U071” C19-involvement. Either the vaccines did not work and people were still dying of C19 and not being labeled with “U071” or something was causing a great excess in all-cause mortality other than C19. It would be quite embarrassing for the state with all those pharma companies including Moderna to have so many C19 breakthrough deaths or to have so many C19 vaccine-caused deaths. Pick one or find another reason in this death puzzle.
I469 “cardiac arrest” deaths rose slowly in number and percentage of total 2015-2022 { 14.54%, 14.57%, 15.12%, 15.90%, 16.30%, 16.62%, 18.63%, 14.78% } The 2020 year of C19 was a modest increase to 16.62%. 2021 jumped 2.01%, which is 2.5X the next biggest annual jump of 0.78%. In other words, I469 was excessively high in 2021 as a percent of total deaths. Average age also dropped about a year, which is significant in calculating years of life lost.
I269 “pulmonary embolism” acted similarly to I469 “cardiac arrests”. The 2015-2022 percentages of total deaths is { 1.20%, 1.11%, 1.18%, 1.14%, 1.22%, 1.29%, 1.58%, 1.20% }. The year of C19, 2020, yielded a modestly significant increase to 1.29%, and 2021, the year of the C19 vaccine, yielded a massive relative increase to 1.58% as a percent of total deaths. The raw number of 1,011 deaths in comparison to other years also shows a strong signal of something causing clot deaths. Will the CDC or FDA ever figure out what is killing people by clots?
Percentages of percentages tell the story
In 2020, C1&C3 (“U071” AND “I269”)-involved deaths were 111 out of 10,211 C19-involved deaths. Or, stated in percentages, 1.1% of C19-involved deaths also involved pulmonary emboli.
In 2021, C1&C3 (“U071” AND “I269”)-involved deaths were 113 out of 5,509 C19-involved deaths. Or, stated in percentages, 2.1% of C19-involved deaths also involved pulmonary emboli.
In 2022, C1&C3 (“U071” AND “I269”)-involved deaths were 75 out of 2,155 C19-involved deaths. Or, stated in percentages, 3.5% of C19-involved deaths also involved pulmonary emboli. Remember yet again that this number can only get bigger once the “pending” records are resolved. Extrapolating and accounting for seasonality might yield more C19 deaths in 2022 than in 2020 and that pulmonary emboli may be involved in 400% that of 2020.
The significance of a 91% increase in the involvement of pulmonary emboli in C19 deaths from 2020 to 2021 and a 218% increase from 2020 to 2022 cannot be disregarded.
Viruses do not simply change how they kill from one year to the next. Something happened in C19-involved deaths after 2020 that changed how C19 purportedly kills people. Pneumonia and respiratory issues dominated 2020, the year of C19; but something insidious has doubled and tripled relative numbers of circulatory system deaths after 2020. The Massachusetts DPH cannot hide from this. Either there is massive fraud in coding of deaths or some intervention in 2021 and 2022 caused deaths or both are true at the same time.
Despite intent to keep this short, and for additional evidence, cardiac arrest is analyzed for percentages of percentages in the same manner as pulmonary emboli above.
In 2020, C1&C2 (“U071” AND “I469”)-involved deaths were 1,228 out of 10,211 C19-involved deaths. Or, stated in percentages, 12.0% of C19-involved deaths also involved cardiac arrest.
In 2021, C1&C2 (“U071” AND “I469”)-involved deaths were 974 out of 5,509 C19-involved deaths. Or, stated in percentages, 17.7% of C19-involved deaths also involved cardiac arrest.
In 2022, C1&C2 (“U071” AND “I469”)-involved deaths were 423 out of 2,155 C19-involved deaths. Or, stated in percentages, 19.6% of C19-involved deaths also involved cardiac arrest. Remember yet again that this number can only get bigger once the “pending” records are resolved. Extrapolating and accounting for seasonality might yield more C19 deaths in 2022 than in 2020 and that cardiac arrest may be involved in 150% that of 2020.
A 47.5% increase in the involvement of cardiac arrest in C19 deaths from 2020 to 2021 and a 63% increase from 2020 to 2022 is not as large an increase as pulmonary emboli, but it surely is significant when considering the number of deaths in-category are an order of magnitude greater than pulmonary emboli.
The individual circulatory system causes of death increases in 2021 and 2022, taken on aggregate, yield a health emergency far greater than C19 and yet the State of Massachusetts Department of Public Health continues to promote the very thing that is likely causing these excess deaths. They refuse to acknowledge the numbers and continue to hide facts from the public. Younger people are dying of different things than C19 caused in 2020. The numbers will not go away. They are what they are. Only by means of a captured press can Massachusetts continue to hide from The People the true causes of death.
The Public Records Request for the vaccination date of the 7-year-old girl from Groton, Massachusetts who died on January 18, 2022 was rejected by MA DPH as private medical information.
The government of Massachusetts does not want people to know the date of vaccination of that little girl, especially considering the medical examiner listed the cause of death as C19.
Why do people seek power over others?
Jake Auchincloss is a U.S. Congressman representing a district in Massachusetts. Jake Auchinsloss’s father, Hugh Auchincloss, has been the NIAID Principal Deputy Director since 2006. The Director of NIAID is Anthony Fauci.
Massachusetts continues to be the center of the world in C19 conspiratorial acts of corruption. Multinational investigations should center on Massachusetts.
If a child dies unjustly from a medical intervention, but there is no press to report the tragedy, does the child’s death have any resonance to the world?
Yes, Coquin, I know you have been on the Massachusetts case for quite a while now. Your method of diving into the state's own mortality numbers seems unimpeachable...unless, as you noted, there is massive fraud going on in the autopsy or cause of death stats. Anecdotally, we have also heard about the fibrous clots being pulled out of many cadavers by embalmers---long, rubbery, hard clots. And of course the myocarditis. Jessica Rose published a report that there may be a lot of amyloid cardiomyopathy that contributes to SADS (the obfuscatory term for sudden adult deaths, almost always cardiac arrest). Stay on the track! This type of analysis stands out as very useful and historically significant. BTW, DOD fudged its database. Do you think MA will suddenly "revise" the numbers? That's why it is important to analyze the stats quickly, before the "adjustments" come, as well they might.